CAPES Qualis 2017 — Ranking of Software Engineering Journals

1 min readJun 9, 2017


Every three years, CAPES (a Brazilian Research Agency) releases a ranking of journals (and conferences) covering all CS areas, called Qualis Ranking. This ranking — together with other criteria — is used to classify the graduate programs in Brazil.

The journals are ranked in five major levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, and B3), mainly according to their impact factor, but also considering other metrics, like h-index.

The 2017 ranking has just been released, providing a classification for 1,851 journals. Among them, 152 journals received the highest classification (Qualis A1), but only two are from Software Engineering, i.e., we respond to exactly 1.3% of the most prestigious journals in Computer Science.

The classification of the Software Engineering journals is as follows:

Qualis A1:
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE Software

Qualis A2:
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
Journal of Systems and Software
Information & Software Technology
Software: Practice & Experience
Science of Computer Programming

Qualis B1:
Empirical Software Engineering
Automated Software Engineering
Software & Systems Modeling
Software Quality Journal
Journal of Object Technology
IET Software
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
Journal of Internet Services and Applications

Qualis B2:
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process

Qualis B3:
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development

Qualis B5:
PeerJ Computer Science

