5 Major Tips To Make Your Own Static Site Generator With Node.js.

Anatoliy Serputov
2 min readSep 16, 2021


release 0.1.2

Static site generator- is a software application for creating finished HTML pages from hard data and files, without having to author any HTML by hand. Made with Node.js. (I called mine — Quick)

1. Start.

First step is to setup your enviroment. I write for people who knows atleast something about Node.js.

To launch the app:

  1. Clone the repo:

$git clone https://github.com/aserputov/final-qck-ssg

2. Install dependencies

npm install

(Install a lot of packages to read from files and work with them.)

3. You can start working:

node .

2. Learn how to test the project.

Create different situations and test all of them on your code.

3. Don’t give up.

It’s really hard to deal with errors and spend almost two days to fix them. I always become upset to fast.

4. Don’t make it perfect.

I don’t understand why, but I can’t publish something what I don’t like and most of the time it’s 80% of my projects, because from my point of view they aren’t finished. (And I need to learn how to deal with this and hope OSD course will help me here)

5 . End.

Most of that parts are more phylosophical, because I think isn’t always only about code, but about the way you handle the process.

Follow me here.


🖌 Anatoliy Serputov


