Redcab — An enabler for electric powered vehicles

aser yehia
2 min readJun 25, 2018


Electric Cars Could Save Ride-Sharing Drivers $5,200 a Year (1)

We have started our crowd sale period for Redcab and the people who invested and who are willing to invest have all the rights to know more details about their investment and the future vision of the company, hence we will reveal some information about the company’s vision and strategy that was not revealed before in a series of articles.

Air pollution is one of the biggest challenges faced by big crowded cities and it’s affecting the whole planet. In Egypt, we have a plan to reduce the air pollution by 50% by 2023 (2), so Redcab will be a part of the solution instead being a part of the problem.

Redcab will take ZERO commission from the drivers who are using electric powered vehicles. Also, part of the company investment will go for building “Charging stations for electric cars” and we are currently working on that with our partners on ground in Egypt after the governmental announcement to allow importing of electric cars (3) and right now people can buy Tesla in Egypt (4) and we are looking to expand our circle of partners outside Egypt as well.

Below are some useful links for facts about the Car pollution globally and why we need to take action:

We have talked about Cabbi in a couple of articles and we did not reveal much. Today we will announce who is Cabbi in 1 sentence, “If you don’t want a middle man taking part of any of your transactions … Use Cabbi !”.

Cabbi is our AI embedded engine in Redcab , used in different places in the app. It can be your customer service assistant, your market place guide. Any “Cabbi enabled” device can do transaction on Redcab blockchain network and to give a better example, let’s assume you are a driver in Redcab and you have “an electric car” and you want to charge your vehicle in “Redcab-enabled Charging Stations”. How will you pay for that?

Cabbi enabled devices in the station will detect the drivers and will do the transaction automatically on Redcab blockchain. Drivers can use RedC token that are gained from “proof of driving” or normal transactions to pay for the charging services.






