Exploring the New IDE: React Native IDE by Software Mansion

asfaqe hussain
3 min readMay 31, 2024

As a developer deeply embedded in the React Native ecosystem, the buzz around Software Mansion’s React Native IDE has been impossible to ignore. With the beta version now available, I’ve had the opportunity to test this promising tool, and I’m eager to share my experiences and insights.

Seamless Installation and Initial Setup

The React Native IDE, available as a Visual Studio Code extension, is designed to enhance the development experience for both Android and iOS projects. The installation process is straightforward — simply download the extension from the Visual Studio Code marketplace and integrate it into your existing workflow.

Setting up the IDE involves opening a React Native Expo project and activating the extension via the Open IDE panel button. This process is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing developers to jump straight into their projects without hassle.

A Closer Look at the Features

The IDE’s core features aim to simplify and streamline the development process. The integration of automatic simulator management and debugger tools, along with an element inspector and an integrated console, makes for a robust development environment. The click-to-inspect feature and URL-based routing are particularly impressive, enhancing navigation and debugging capabilities significantly.

One of the standout features is the ability to develop and preview components in isolation. This functionality, akin to using tools like Storybook but integrated directly within the IDE, allows for real-time adjustments and testing, providing a clear and immediate view of changes.

The Promise and Potential

While the beta version of the React Native IDE does present some initial challenges and bugs, the overall functionality and potential benefits are clear. The ability to adjust device settings directly from the IDE, including text size and theme, adds an extra layer of convenience and focus for developers.

The integration of features like breakpoints and locks further demonstrates the IDE’s potential to enhance productivity and streamline the development process. These tools allow for more precise debugging and faster resolution of issues, which is invaluable in a fast-paced development environment.

Final Thoughts and Future Prospects

The React Native IDE by Software Mansion is a significant step forward in React Native development. Its innovative features and user-centric design promise to revolutionize how developers approach React Native projects. While there are areas for improvement, which is expected in a beta release, the foundation is solid, and the future looks promising.

As the community continues to provide feedback and the tool evolves, I am optimistic about its role in shaping the future of React Native development. For those who haven’t tried it yet, I highly recommend diving in and experiencing the potential of this tool firsthand.

Stay tuned for more updates as the React Native IDE progresses through its beta phase and beyond. Happy coding, and let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in app development!

For more details and to try it out yourself, visit Software Mansion’s official React Native IDE page.

