What your Why?

Dr. Asha Prasad
2 min readFeb 16, 2016


Why do you want the things you do in your life?

How many times have you asked yourself this question?

A mentor and dear friend of mine asked me this very question several years ago when I was happily functioning on auto pilot through some very rough times in my own life. When she asked me this question, I wasn’t even sure how to respond. Because for the first time I realized that I had lost something, I had lost my ‘Why’ in life. So instead of answering her, I began to cry. I felt saddened that my passion in life seemed to be missing. No one could really tell because I had become a master of masking these kinds of things. It was a sort of self protection, but looking back on it, it was really that I was lying to myself. I was trying to convince myself that everything was great and exactly the way I wanted it to be… But that was far from the truth.

As people, we all do this. We think we should have things a certain way and then realize that the reason why we are doing something is not for the love of it or because it makes us happy but because we have the need to prove something to someone or to ourselves or to please someone… it doesn’t really matter the reason. What matters is that you have awareness about this and start to ask yourself some of these questions in order to make course corrections along the way.

I was glad that my mentor/friend asked me this question years ago. Since then this question has become a part of my weekly if not daily ritual in everything that I do.What I have come to realize is that your why is also your intention behind everything that you do. And if you know why you are doing something, it helps line up everything that you need to follow that dream or goal. If you don’t know your why or if you are lying to yourself about why you want something then you can easily see that unfolding in every area of your life.

Asking and answering this very question has helped many make course corrections along the way. Learning to get real and honest with ourselves is one of the foundations of a content, peaceful and rich life.

So I invite you to ask yourself today:

Why Do You Want The Things That You Want in Your Life?

Do you need to make course corrections but don’t know how?

If you would like information on working with me 1:1 to help You discover your why in your life email me at info@ashaprasad.com or PM me.






Dr. Asha Prasad

Dr. Asha is a coach and mentor helping people find their true purpose and to do so by living in their authentic alignment.