Asha Ghosh, The Honest Coach
1 min readSep 23, 2016


Super interesting concept. Having worked with vocational education institutions, I have heard this problem from their POV. They want more realistic and useful skills to be shared with student’s in their chosen career. They too have the same rhetoric around the the system of education being broken.

We need more adaptive learning styles to sustain our future. The social and psychological needs of the younger generation are not being met by education. Certainly too, they are not meeting the dynamic needs of business — so why keep doing things in the same way? Will be interested to see how this one progresses.

On a separate note, the line for me in the article is “it’s rare that I feel so inspired by one entrepreneur and his or her vision” — I am looking at subjects areas to study and I’m constantly intrigued by how truly ‘entrepreneurial’ people actually are — the word is used a lot and I wonder has the definition changed over recent years, how do we view it and does it actually have meaning any more? Any views?



Asha Ghosh, The Honest Coach

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