Mastering the art of living:

Ashamoni Neog
4 min readOct 4, 2023


The concept of “Nishkama Karma”

It’s often said that the Bhagavad Gita holds the answers to life’s most profound questions and I have to say, I found my own nuggets of insight in its verses, especially during times when my life felt like it was hanging in the balance.

When I was a school-going kid, I always wanted to read this timeless scripture. But you know how it is, it’s seen as this sacred, kind of untouchable book, and I didn’t really get many chances to sneak a peek.

However, fate had a twist for me. Surprisingly, one day, a dear friend of mine gave me a copy of this incredible scripture as a gift. Ever since that day, I turn to its pages for some guidance and inspiration, whenever I find myself feeling stuck in life.

I think the Bhagavad Gita is so much more than just a conversation between Kunti’s son, Arjuna, and Lord Krishna. It’s like a profound journey into the very heart of life’s ultimate truths. It’s like they’re revealing the secrets of existence right there in those verses.

Isn’t it the truth that life is so darn uncertain? I mean, think about it — we can’t even guess what the next moment’s going to throw at us. Will it be something amazing or kinda tough? Success or maybe a stumble? A burst of happiness or a dose of sadness?

And yeah, you’re spot on, these thoughts can really mess with our heads, right? They stir up that cocktail of fear, anxiety, depression, and just plain old suffering. It’s like a rollercoaster ride with no seatbelts sometimes!

So, how to gracefully navigate life’s enigmatic twists and turns?

When we’re faced with life’s head-scratching unpredictability, it’s always tempting to look for modern solutions, right? Like, maybe someone would send you links to motivational speeches or offer tickets to a mental health coach or a yoga guru. Or they’d suggest those “Work-life balance courses” that seem to be all the rage nowadays. Heck, some might even send you some self-help books that promise to have all the answers.

But, here’s the thing about the Bhagavad Gita — it’s like the granddaddy of wisdom. It’s not just another branch or leaf on the tree of knowledge; it’s the whole darn tree. Its teachings are so fundamental and universal that they’ve stood the test of time, and they speak to the core of our human experience. It’s like the ancient GPS for navigating the twists and turns of life.

What’s fascinating about the Bhagavad Gita is that it’s not just some lofty spiritual stuff. It’s incredibly practical, and you can totally see its wisdom in everyday life.

So, let’s zoom in on one particular gem:

Chapter 2: Verse 47

In Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita, known as “Saṅkhyā Yoga” (The Yoga of Analysis), Arjuna basically hands over the steering wheel of his mind to the all-powerful Lord Krishna. And Krishna, being the wise guru that he is, imparts some seriously divine knowledge to Arjuna. It’s like a masterclass in life’s big questions, right there in that chapter.

Lord Krisna is imparting knowledge to Arjuna

In Verse 47, it’s dropping some wisdom bombs on us. It says,

“Your focus should be on the actions you take, without worrying about the results they might bring. Let not the outcomes influence your motives, and remove any attachment to inaction from your mind.”

Now, let’s see how this verse totally vibes with our daily grind — you know, things like going for a nerve-wracking job interview, whipping up a family dinner, staying on the fitness track, or even launching a brand-new business venture.

The deal here is all about giving it your absolute best without going bonkers about the end result.

Take cooking dinner, for example. Instead of getting all anxious about whether everyone at the table will give it a thumbs-up, focus on enjoying the whole process of cooking and making that meal downright tasty.

And hey, when you’re on a fitness journey, don’t let those numbers on the weighing scale drive you nuts. It’s more about feeling like a million bucks in your own skin, not just the digits on some digital screen.

Starting a business? Now, that’s a big one. Pour your heart and soul into delivering kick-butt products or services. Don’t lose sleep over those instant profits. Let your main drive be doing fantastic work, and success will just saunter in at its own sweet time.

In a nutshell, the Gita’s telling us to go all in on whatever we do, but don’t let the fear of success or failure mess with your head. Focus on what you can control — your actions — and you’ll find more peace and satisfaction in the everyday hustle. Then there will be no question of anxiety, stress or grief!

It’s like the Bhagavad Gita is handing us the keys to a stress-free, anxiety-free, grief-free life. And it all centers around something called “Nishkama Karma” — selfless action, doing what you do without getting all hung up on the outcomes, and it leads to this state of Zen, which they call “Yog.”

Whether you’re wondering how to tackle your responsibilities, cope with stress, deal with anxiety, handle negative emotions, or face the uncertainties of life, Nishkama Karma seems to be the answer. It’s like this universal solution to life’s curveballs.

So, as we roll through the ever-changing landscapes of our personal and professional lives, let’s not forget the lesson from the Bhagavad Gita. Let’s soak up every moment, take actions that matter, and trust that success will eventually find its way to us. It’s like a roadmap to a well-balanced, fulfilling life.

