Ashani Sansala Kodithuwakku
Ashani Sansala Kodithuwakku

About Me

Hey...πŸ™Œ I'm a 2nd year undergraduate of BSc (Hons) in Artificial Intelligence at University of Moratuwa. Passionate about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and Quantum Computing.

What You'll Find Here

I love to share the things I'm learning. So, here you can find what I have learned during my studies and my self-learning journey.

Let’s Connect

I believe in the power of community and the magic that happens when ideas are shared and discussed. Feel free to leave comments, share your thoughts, and connect with me on LinkedIn.

Thank you for visiting, and I hope my stories resonate with you as much as they do with me. 😊

Ashani Sansala Kodithuwakku

Ashani Sansala Kodithuwakku

AI undergraduate | UoM, writing about AI, Data Science and Quantum Computing.