Mastering the Art of Irresistible Offers: Lessons from Alex Hermosi’s ‘100 Million Dollar Offers’

Ashbin K Ninan
3 min readJun 15, 2023


So, I recently got my hands on this amazing book called “100 Million Dollar Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No” by Alex Hermosi. Let me tell you, this book is a game-changer for all you hustlers out there. It’s got over 9400 reviews with a 4.9-star rating, so you know it’s legit. I learned some seriously valuable stuff from it, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Part 1: Your Product Okay, listen up, fellow entrepreneurs! We’ve all been there, struggling to get enough clients and make those sweet profits. Now, here’s the deal: slashing prices ain’t gonna cut it. I mean, sure, it works for apples and oranges, but we’re talking about your biz here. You gotta stand out from the competition. Take this example: an online weight loss coaching service that charges a monthly fee versus one that guarantees weight loss and gives you personalized programs without those annoying recurring charges. Which one screams value? Yeah, you got it — the second one!

Part 2: Your Market Now, let’s get smart about who we’re selling to. I mean, offering a weight loss program to toddlers in a kindergarten ain’t gonna fly, right? You got to find a market that actually gives a damn about your product. Look for signs like pain points, spending power, easy targeting, and potential growth. Think about it — lonely senior citizens who are yearning for long-lasting relationships tick all the boxes. They need it, they can afford it, they’re easy to reach, and the market is growing. And hey, wanna know a secret? When you find a niche within a bigger market, like targeting night shift nurses with time management courses, you become the go-to guy or gal, leaving the competition in the dust.

Part 3: Your Prices Okay, brace yourselves — we’re talking money. Yeah, I get it, charging premium prices can be nerve-wracking. But trust me, it’s worth it. When you slap a high price tag on your product, people take notice. It’s like they’re saying, “Hey, this must be some serious sh*t!” Plus, it shows you’re delivering top-notch value. So, how do you make people say, “Take my money!”? Focus on four things: the dream outcome, how likely they think it’ll happen, how soon they’ll see results, and the effort and sacrifices involved. For example, if you’re selling gym memberships, highlight the dream of losing weight, getting ripped, and being super healthy. Make ’em believe they can actually achieve it. Promise quick results, so they don’t lose motivation. And don’t make ’em work too hard or give up too much. You want ’em to feel like they’re getting a steal for that premium price.

Conclusion: Alright, my entrepreneurial amigos, armed with these strategies, you’re ready to make killer offers and rake in those big bucks. Remember, stand out with your unique product, find the right market and niche, and charge those premium prices by delivering insane value. You’ll leave your competitors scratching their heads while you’re sipping margaritas on a beach. So go out there and make those offers that nobody can resist!

