Scam on Binance: BULL/BEAR (part 2)

3 min readApr 20, 2020


A month have passed after I lost 3164 USDT on scam with BULL tokens on Binance. While gathering people with same problem was totally shocked how big this scam was — loss over 1,5M USD only in our group of 200!

What do we have to the moment — Binance is literally spitting in faces of their users. To see how cynic Binance is, just imagine — they offered 100 USDT to a man who lost on their scam 100 000 USDT!!! And of course like ‘a gesture of good will’.

They don’t even try to get into details of each case — sending template answers to all users. Offering as they say — ‘a gift and gesture of goodwill’ to compensate our discomfort. Now they became a bit cleverly, added a line, that acceptance of the gift will means that situation is solved.

As on my case there wasn’t such a line: so I accepted their gift 1000 USDT + VIP1 for 6 months for my account and withdrew all my money as far as possible from CZ and his gangmates.
Funny, guys think that anyone after such scam will use their Scamance:)

One more thing to admit — Binance delisted all FTX tokens, deleted and then updated all articles about them (attaching original ones, thanks to web-archive), blocked users who asked about scam in Twitter, Telegram and YouTube. Do innocent people behave such way?!

Binance listing FTX BULL/BEAR tokens(1)
Binance listing FTX BULL/BEAR tokens(1)

And of course FTX took part in the scam, first of all as they knew tokens could drop close to zero on big market moves, as it happenned in September with leveraged ALGO tokens.

And funny thing — the article describing that case disappeared in mystical way after we started to say out loud about their collaborative scam.

FTX support answer about same case in September 2019

FTX continue their BULL/BEAR scam on Poloniex. Just take a look on leveraged TRX tokens, doesn’t it seem strange?

TRXBULL and TRXBEAR on Poloniex synchronously dumping

CIS director of Binance — Gleb Kostarev joined our group to help with our problem. Asked us to fill in their form on our cases, seems Binance really didn’t read users tickets and just sent templates and “gifts” from 5% to 30% of losses (not exceeding 5000 USDT despite the summ of loss), with no real calculation. Suppose guys want to divide active users from inactive to minimize payouts.

The only way to get our problem solved is 100% compensation to every groupmate.

I`m not naive nor my group mates are — so soon you’ll read about another collective lawsuit against Binance and CZ himself. There are almost 200 men from all over the world: EU, USA, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, India, Marocco, Pakistan, Brazil, etc., — with total loss coming close to 1 500 000 USDT. I’m sure we`ll find time, money and opportunity to make everything possible to get our money back.

#withdrawbinance and stay away from all FTX products.
And of course welcome to our group if you also were scammed on Binance or FTX.

