The Mysterious Case of null being an Object in JavaScript

3 min readDec 26, 2022


Have you ever used the typeof operator in JavaScript and been surprised to see that it returned “object” for the value null? You’re not alone! The concept of null being treated as an object in JavaScript is one that has caused confusion among developers for years. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at this mysterious behavior and try to shed some light on the subject.

As you may know, null is a primitive value in JavaScript that represents the absence of a value or a null reference. It is often used as a placeholder value to indicate that a variable has no value or to represent the absence of an object. Despite being a primitive value, null is considered an object in JavaScript because, in the early days of the language, it was treated as an object for the purposes of type coercion. This means that when null is used in a context where an object is expected, it is automatically converted to an object.

Here’s an example of this behavior in action:

let x = null;

console.log(typeof x); // "object"

As you can see, the typeof operator returns “object” for the value null, even though null is a primitive value. This behavior has caused confusion among developers and has led to some quirks and bugs in the language. However, it has been preserved for backwards compatibility and is unlikely to change in the future.

But why is null treated as an object for the purposes of type coercion? To understand this, we need to look back at the early days of JavaScript. When the language was first introduced, null was treated as an object for the purposes of type coercion because it made it easier to write code that worked with both primitive values and objects. This behavior was carried over into later versions of the language and has been preserved for backwards compatibility.

It’s important to note that null is not considered an object in the sense that it does not have any properties or methods and cannot be used as a constructor. It is simply treated as an object for the purposes of type coercion. Here’s an example to illustrate this:let x = null;let x = null;

let x = null;

console.log(x instanceof Object); // false

As you can see, using the “instanceof” operator to check if null is an instance of the “Object” constructor returns “false”. This is because null is not an object and cannot be an instance of the “Object” constructor.

So, in conclusion, null is a primitive value in JavaScript that represents the absence of a value or a null reference. However, it is treated as an object for the purposes of type coercion because of its history in the language. While this behavior may cause some confusion and may not be ideal, it has been preserved for backwards compatibility and is unlikely to change in the future.

I hope this blog post has helped clarify the concept of null being treated as an object in JavaScript. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!




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