So You’ve Developed an App, What’s Next?

Cinnamon Ashford
5 min readDec 17, 2021


After learning and dissecting through the Swift terminology, browsing the web for hacks and tutorials, and taking courses to advance your skills in computer programming; you finally created a great app, now what?

Now that I am on the path to becoming a world-class app developer, I find myself amazed at the imagined ideas being brought to life through creating apps that would be loved by many and making a profit. Then simple thoughts came to my mind: What is the actual process to get your completed app to market on the App Store? How do you ultimately get your app downloaded by millions of users?

A hand holding and iPhone with lighting in the background
Photo by Youssef Sarhan on Unsplash

A great app makes your life easier, keeps you informed and teaches something new and even entertains.

My app is ready for all the world to see

The words, For The World neon sign
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Many new developers to the iOS platform may not be aware of the process for submitting their app into the App Store. The process seems straightforward, Apple issues detailed guidelines for review and submission of your app to be placed into the App Store. The guidelines are broken into five sections: Safety, Performance, Business, Design, and Legal.

The first step is to register for an Apple Developer Program account to gain access to the tools needed for a successful iOS developer. Make sure that your code is bug-free and fully functional. Over 40% of apps are rejected by App Review due to performance issues. Swift, the programming language used to create apps for iOS, offers a unique appeal that other programming languages do not offer; it’s easy to learn, powerful, cost-effective, and fast. Xcode an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is used to test and adjust your code for an error-free app. Now you are ready to submit your completed app in App Store Connect found in Apple Developer.

Then each app is reviewed by an editorial team and experts from Apple, before submission into the App Store. While awaiting a response from App Review, make sure your contact information is up to date in case they need to reach out to you. The process can be fairly quick, usually as short as a 24–48 hour turnaround as long as the app meets the App Store review guidelines. Familiarize yourself with Apple Developer Program License Agreement to ensure that there are no violations. After approval, your app will be placed in the App Store, for all to see.

Developing into the spotlight

A spotlight shining
Photo by Jaël Vallée on Unsplash

The goal is not only to create an app and have it downloaded repetitively-, but to have a featured app in the App Store. Any iOS developer that wants to increase brand awareness and turn a profit should consider being featured in the App Store. Apple wants to highlight developers that have produced an awesome product and showcase it. This is called the Developer Spotlight, each week the most noteworthy apps are featured in the App Store. The exposure will take the developer and their app to the next level.

How does one become the featured app in the Developer Spotlight? Well, there is no step-by-step formula, however, there are some pointers that previously featured developers have utilized for this coveted position.

Keeping your app native to the iOS platform usually produces a high quality and more enjoyable user experience, opposed to creating a cross-platform app/Hybrid app, that has a high likelihood of offering a compromised user experience.

  • Stay in alignment with Apple’s objectives and incorporate their new features, software and hardware in your application design
  • Create an incredible app that is simple, yet functional to navigate, that helps solve a problem for users, and has amazing visual design and user interface
  • Incorporate user feedback and reviews to help ensure that your app is in heavy rotation
  • Your story of “Why?” you created the app should be compelling
  • Market and promote your app with confidence

The future and app development

A future world, people staring at digital lights
Photo by Robynne Hu on Unsplash

With ever-expanding new technologies, such as AR kit, Facebook’s new Metaverse, Blockchain, and wearable devices, etc., the mobile app development industry is growing exponentially and etched into an essential tool for daily living across the globe. There are so many amazing apps that are constantly being crafted by newbies, like me. And seasoned mobile app developers are skilling up to stay ahead of the learning curve of discoveries in the industry.

As you create the next great app, remember to strive for ease of use, innovation, great design, superior performance, and a solution for users and that will put you in a position to possibly be the G.O.A.T.!


Author Amit Samsukha I am an eCommerce consultant, Samsukha, A. A., & consultant, I. am an eC. (2021, December 8). Future of mobile app development — you can’t overlook in 2022. Emizentech. Retrieved December 17, 2021, from

The future scope of mobile application development: What you need to know to build an app in 2019. The future scope of mobile application development: what you need to know to build an app in 2019. (n.d.). Retrieved December 17, 2021, from

Inc., A. (n.d.). App Store Review Guidelines. App Store Review Guidelines — Apple Developer. Retrieved December 17, 2021, from

Inc., A. (n.d.). Apple Developer Program. Apple Developer. Retrieved December 17, 2021, from

Top 10 ways to get your app featured in the app store. Clearbridge Mobile. (2020, July 14). Retrieved December 17, 2021, from



Cinnamon Ashford

Apple Developer Academy-Detroit. Entrepreneur. Developer. Spice of Life.