Solving the 4 Queens Problem

Backtracking Approach

Ashish Anannya
3 min readApr 23, 2024


The 4 Queens Problem is a classic problem within the realm of artificial intelligence and data science. It includes putting four queens on a 4x4 chessboard such that no two queens threaten each other. The challenge, however, lies in navigating the limitations and locating a solution efficiently. This blog explores numerous techniques to solve the 4 Queens Problem, focusing on the backtracking algorithm approach.

Understanding the Problem

In a chess game, queens can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. This creates significant limitations and constraints when we place multiple queens on a board in a manner that they don’t threaten each other. The 4 Queens Problem is a simpler variant of the N Queens Problem and it requires strategic thinking and computational skills to solve.

Backtracking Algorithm: A Common Approach

The backtracking algorithm is a one very popular method to solve the 4 Queens Problem. It allows you to explore possible solutions where constraints are met or violated. Here’s a brief overview of the algorithm’s core concepts:

- Recursive Exploration: The algorithm allows you to recursively place queens on the chessboard, one by one in each column.
- Constraint Satisfaction: It ensures that no two queens are in the same row, column, or diagonal.
- Backtracking: If a placement doesn’t follow constraints, the algorithm “backtracks,” removing the last queen that was placed and tries a different position to place the queen.

Below is a simplified pseudocode for the backtracking algorithm:

Challenges and Solutions

The backtracking algorithm is good to use when your chessboard is small, but it becomes challenging as the board size increases. Some of the common issues include:

- Combinatorial Explosion: What this means is that the number of possible solutions grows exponentially with increase in the size of the board. This can lead to longer computation times.
- Recursive Depth: As the algorithm relies on recursion, it can suffer from stack overflow or increased memory usage.

Several solutions and optimizations can help address these challenges:

Pruning: We can eliminate paths that lead to invalid solutions early on in the algorithm and reduce redundant computation and thereby improve efficiency.
- Symmetry: Exploiting the symmetric nature of the problem can reduce the solution space and enhance algorithm efficiency.
- Hybrid Approaches: we combine backtracking with other algorithms, like constraint propagation or genetic algorithms to get better performance and scalability.

Real-World Applications

The techniques used to solve the 4 Queens Problem are:

Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP): The backtracking algorithm is a foundational approach to CSPs, which are common in artificial intelligence, scheduling, and planning tasks.
- Education and Learning: The problem is often used in programming and algorithmic courses to teach recursive thinking and problem-solving techniques.
- Chessboard Configurations: similar constraint satisfaction algorithms can be used to solve the N queens problem.


The 4 Queens Problem, while seemingly simple, serves as an excellent case study for exploring complex algorithmic challenges. The backtracking algorithm provides an intuitive approach to solve the problem, but it also highlights the limitations of recursive exploration and combinatorial growth. By understanding such limitations and exploring different optimization techniques, we can apply similar strategies to solve broader problems in artificial intelligence and data science.


For further reading and research, consider exploring the following resources:

- [ResearchGate: An Unique Solution for N-Queen Problem](
- [GeeksForGeeks: 4 Queens Problem](
- [ResearchGate: Solving N-Queen Problem by Genetic Algorithm](
- [ACM Digital Library: N-Queens Problem](
- [Springer: New Approaches to the N Queens Problem](

These references provide additional insights into solving the N Queens Problem and its applications in various fields.

