Published inSeven DwarfsTensorFlow One-Liners That Pack a Punch!If you have spent any time with TensorFlow, you would know by now that it comes with a very rich set of functions to do everything from…Apr 16, 2018Apr 16, 2018
Published inSeven DwarfsTraining on MNIST dataset with TensorFlow Dataset, Estimator and Slim APIs — Part 4In the previous posts, we built the input and model functions for our TensorFlow estimator. Now, its time to put everything together and…Mar 31, 2018Mar 31, 2018
Published inSeven DwarfsTraining on MNIST dataset with TensorFlow Dataset, Estimator and Slim APIs — Part 3In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we built an input pipeline to feed MNIST examples to our neural network. Now its time to build the…Mar 22, 2018Mar 22, 2018
Published inSeven DwarfsTraining on MNIST dataset with TensorFlow Dataset, Estimator and Slim APIs — Part 2In Part 1, we created some helper functions to perform IO using TensorFlow’s tf.python_io APIs. Specifically, we created a function to load…Mar 16, 2018Mar 16, 2018
Published inSeven DwarfsTraining on MNIST dataset with TensorFlow Dataset, Estimator and Slim APIs — Part 1This post is first in a series where I will show how to build an end-to-end TensorFlow system for training on the MNIST dataset using the…Mar 7, 2018Mar 7, 2018
Permission model for launching EC2 instance with IAM profileAn AWS EC2 instance launched with an IAM profile enables applications and command line scripts running on that instance to assume the…Feb 18, 2018Feb 18, 2018