GSoC coding -7

Ashish aggarwal
2 min readJul 15, 2019


Hello Everyone , This is the seventh blog post of coding period . In this blog we will discuss about Making the activity responsive , Testing the activity , Export to docx .

Making the activity responsive : The menu was not as easily usable in mobile view as it was in the desktop view . It is made responsive using simple CSS media queries .

Testing the Activity : This included hosting our localhost online so that other users could simply open that link and test the activity . But due to technical issues we were not able to achieve it . The docker server forwarded the socket port to 8039 where as the web port on 8080 . We could not find a service that exposes 2 ports . We tried localtunnel and ngrok . However I have done some good testing and fixed the bugs I could find . Here are the few steps you can follow to test the activity :

  1. Download the write branch of this repository . You can also get it from here .
  2. Open it and run npm install and then npm start .
  3. Sign up or Login
  4. Connect to the server using these steps .
  5. Run the write activity and let us know if there are any bugs .

Export to docx : We are using html-docx-js for creating docx files from html . Here is the link pr to add docx support to sugarizer .

Works on all the versions of ms-office . It does not support google docs . However for running on google docs follow these steps .

Thats all . Thanks! ….

