Improving customer retention using the wishlist feature for Mamaearth mobile app

Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2023

An opportunity to retain the customers and re-engage the previous one using the wishlist feature.

Mamaearth redesigned mockups

I did this UX design challenge in 2-week kickstart UX design workshop by Growthschool and mentored by Anudeep Ayyagari. Where we learnt to take a non-textbook approach to solve real-life problems in existing products and learn from them. I had mind-blowing sessions with Anudeep, his level of energy, enthusiasm and way of making people understand what UX is, which very few can teach like him.

In this design challenge, we had to find a real-life problem in existing products. I chose the mama earth mobile app because I found a very important opportunity to retain more customers for them. If you take all the e-commerce apps currently available in the market you will find they have a wishlist option where users can save their selected products or save their favourite products for future purchases.

As you can see above, they don’t have a wishlist feature in their app and they might lose many opportunities of retaining customers. So I took the responsibility of creating a wishlist page. You will see what changes I had to make and what was the output ahead in this case study.

You must be wondering, how in the world I accomplished to do such a tedious task. Well, let me take you through the process of how I did that. Let’s go.

As I learnt from the workbook “Making Existing Products Better” from this workshop. Firstly I tried to find out what problem there is with this app. I kept banging my head for a couple of hours. But couldn’t find any problem, then I thought if I can’t find any problem then at least I should order something. When I was going through their products, I selected some of them for future purchases but I had nowhere to save them! can you imagine? now I had to keep them in the cart. So whenever I plan to buy them I will have to go to the cart. But what if I don’t want to keep them in the cart, where would I put them? Then I got the idea, Why not create a wishlist page and help out other users who must be facing the same problem? And this will help mama earth to retain new and existing customers like me :). Just like what I learnt in the “Business Impact of Design” workbook and started working on creating the design.

While finding the problem, I applied teachings from the “User Centric Design” workbook and highlighted some problems.

After that, I created some paper prototypes and ideated on them. And finalised the below-mentioned designs as a beginning. The “Low-fidelity Prototyping” workbook helped me create a paper prototype using marvel App. Here is a Link to the Marvel prototype:

The next step was to create a Hi-fi prototype So that I can get input from usability testing on how my design work and what insights I can get to improve the product.

Here is the link to my Hi-fidelity Figma prototype:

For usability testing, I gave users some tasks and noted the observations and inputs I received from users. I approached 2 users who have experience using beauty and healthcare apps like mama earth and I gave them the below-mentioned tasks-

  1. Click On the heart Icon in the top menu.
  2. Go back to the home screen.
  3. Can you add the product to your wishlist by clicking on the heart icon on the product card?
  4. Can you remove the product from your wishlist.
  5. Can you open the sidebar menu?
  6. Click on my wishlist
  7. can you access the wishlist tab?

These are the thing which I wanted to observe-

  1. Is the user able to click on the heart icon.
  2. Is the user able to understand to navigate properly to the wishlist screen
  3. Is the user able to add items to a wishlist
  4. Is the user able to remove items from the wishlist?
  5. Is the user able to access the wishlist from the sidebar menu?
  6. Understand whether the user is able to understand the process of accessing the wishlist.

Below are the observation notes I prepared from usability testing.

As you can see below the final Ui changes I made after usability testing and redesigning the screens.

Key learnings from this 2-week kickass workshop:

The experience of attending this workshop was mind-blowing. The way Anudeep teach the design principles and the non-text approach is what made me easily understand the fundamental principles and Laws of Ux Design.

I got to learn about 4 UX Laws which are:

  1. Jakob’s Law
  2. Fitt’s Law
  3. Hick’s Law
  4. Zeigarnik effect
  5. Doherty threshold

Got to learn about 10 heuristic principles and UX metrics. some of the principles I have used in this case study also. I am looking forward to using this knowledge in my UX career ahead. I am thankful to Anudeep and growth school for changing my perspective and as Anudeep says- Opening my third eye :)

As I said above, this workshop has given me a new perspective on looking at things and solving those problems. I will always be #studentforlife.

