The Abandoned House on Hillcrest Road

Ashish Vishwakarma
3 min readFeb 6, 2023


It was a dark and stormy night, and Ashley was driving down Hillcrest Road on her way home from work. Suddenly, her car stalled and she found herself stranded in front of an old, abandoned house. Despite her better judgement, Ashley felt compelled to take shelter from the storm and ventured inside.

As soon as she stepped through the door, Ashley was greeted by a musty odor and an eerie stillness. The inside of the house was just as decrepit as the outside, with peeling wallpaper and cobwebs in every corner. Ashley shuddered as she made her way through the main hallway, the floorboards creaking beneath her feet.

Suddenly, Ashley heard a noise from upstairs. She hesitated for a moment, but her curiosity got the better of her and she began to make her way up the staircase. As she reached the top of the steps, Ashley was greeted by the sight of a ghostly figure standing in the hallway. She screamed and stumbled backwards, her heart pounding in her chest.

The figure disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, and Ashley realized that she was completely alone in the house. She continued down the hallway, her hand shaking as she pushed open the first door she came to. Inside the room, she found a dusty old book, its pages filled with strange symbols and ancient script.

As Ashley began to flip through the pages, she noticed that the room was starting to change. The walls grew taller and the ceiling lowered, until she was completely enclosed in a small, dark space. Ashley was filled with a sense of dread as she realized that she was trapped in the room.

Just as Ashley was about to panic, she heard a voice whisper in her ear, “You should never have come here.” The voice was cold and menacing, and Ashley knew that she was in grave danger.

Climax: Ashley frantically searched the room for a way out, but all of the doors and windows were sealed tight. Suddenly, the floor beneath her feet began to shake and crack, and Ashley realized that she was being pulled down into the depths of the earth. She screamed for help, but her voice was swallowed by the darkness.

As Ashley plummeted deeper and deeper into the earth, she saw the ghostly figure from earlier standing before her. The figure revealed itself to be the spirit of a young woman who had been murdered in the house many years ago. The young woman warned Ashley that she was in grave danger and that she needed to leave the house immediately.

Ashley woke up in her car, drenched in sweat and shaking with fear. She knew that she had just experienced something truly terrifying, and she vowed never to return to Hillcrest Road again. From that day forward, Ashley lived the rest of her life with the knowledge that some things are best left unknown, and that some places are best left undiscovered.

The Abandoned House on Hillcrest Road remained a mystery for many years to come, its dark secrets buried deep within its walls. But for those who dared to venture inside, the horrors of Hillcrest Road would never be forgotten.



Ashish Vishwakarma

entrepreneur & writer skil in marketing, delivering innovative solutions & striving to make a positive impact as a philanthropist.