Five Ways to Keep Your Mental Health during Lockdown

Ashwini Joshi
2 min readAug 22, 2020


During the heightened threat of Covid-19 pandemic, we have literally isolated ourselves in the houses and that’s made it difficult for us to control our stress and anxiety. The period of lockdown is really trying our patience. It is really hard to cope with the lockdown situation when there is nothing to do and nowhere to go. As the old saying goes, ‘empty mind is a devil’s workshop’, the situation has created mental issues for many of us. But as they say, if there is a will there is a way, every problem has its solution. So here are the best five engaging ways to retain your mental health.

1) Meditation and Yoga: Engaging with exercise and meditation early in the morning can relax our mind and keep it peaceful. It connects us with the positive energy of the universe and makes us feel cheered and refreshed.

2) Take a break from news: Constantly, hearing news about the pandemic can be upsetting. So, it is fine sometimes to get off our head from news even though it’s important to stay informed. Setting a limited span of time for watching news and shut it off can save our mind from taking a heavy toll on mental health.

3) Talk with friends and relatives: Seeing our friends and relatives during lockdown is impossible now but we can catch up our connections and acquaintances through mobile, social media and various meeting apps. Though we cannot meet them, party with them or hang with them, we surely can talk to them and revise those fun memories and can laugh with them. That can surely help in forgetting our worries.

4) To Maintain Hobby: Keeping ourselves busy with work or hobby always helps to avoid negative thoughts which frequently occur in mind. If it is work from home then it keeps us busy but if it is not then better to focus on hobby that can be drawing, cooking, cycling etc. Hobbies are always interesting to take up and can also keep us entertained.

5) Consulting a counsellor: If it’s quite out of control to tackle with the anxiety problem. If it feels more like acrophobia and going around the block then it’s a real sign that one should go and see a counsellor. Counselling always helps in discussing the reasons behind our anxiety and solving them with the better outcome.

So these are the several ways we can make our schedule with. We don’t know how long we are going face this pandemic situation but surely this is a temporary phase and we easily can defeat the situation with the help of these cool ways for being happy and positive.

