Web Unleashed Toronto 2015 Sketch Notes

Ashley Keller
bread crumbs
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2015


I recently attended a two day session in Toronto by FITC called Web Unleashed which featured front-end development focused sessions presented by industry leaders including Google, SoundCloud, Ionic and Shopify. What follows are the sketch notes I created live during each session that I attended.

If you are unfamiliar with sketch notes, essentially they are illustrative notes that visually describe the content of a conference talk or speech. I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did creating them.

(Click any photo to enlarge.)

Test Driven Development

By @giorgionatili

Intro to ES6

By Grant Skinner

My UX is Not Your UX

By @andrewsmyk

My Journey with React

By Tasveer Singh

Badass Motion Design for Front-end Developers

By Grant Skinner

Upgrading the Web

By Douglas Crockford

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Ashley Keller
bread crumbs

Design strategy, digital marketing and user research.