The Four Fundamentals of Successful Entrepreneurship

ashish srivastava
3 min readSep 4, 2018


Everybody knows that entrepreneurship is tough. Thousands of things can go wrong during an entrepreneurial journey. However, entrepreneurship is perhaps the most satisfactory career that you can opt for. If you dream of being your own boss, here are the four basic guidelines that you must follow to succeed.

1. Set a vision

A strong vision will help you to go through the ups and downs and the numerous challenges that a start-up poses. It will make you work towards ingenious solutions in order to overcome the obstacles and create value for your customers. So, start by asking yourself where and why you want to go with your business. Once you set a vision, the next step is to establish specific business goals and break them down into plans, tasks and actions. You’ll be amazed to see how much you can accomplish within a span of five to ten years if you have a solid vision of where you are going, why you are going and how you are going to get there.

2. Know what to sell

If you can find a gap between the current demand and supply of a service/product, then you have definitely struck gold. So, it is crucial to know what people want to buy. For example, people buy clothes and shoes all the time but they will buy your product if you come up with the right set of features they are looking for. It is crucial to create a unique selling point (USP) of your product or service, which will consistently satisfy the needs of a very large segment of customers. You can come up with something which is absolutely new or you can find profitable new niches by drilling down into already successful categories.

3. Learn how to sell.

Businesses cannot exist without revenues. So, make sure that you are selling at a price point and margin that will guarantee success, and that you resist yourself from offering discounts just to increase the sale. This is important for even well-established companies, but for startups it’s essential as your first goal should be to generate cash flow as early and as much as possible. It is also very important to communicate clearly what you are going to sell to the customers so that they understand how they will benefit from your product.

4. Maintain a consistent cash flow, profits will soon follow

Consistent cash flow is imperative for a business to run smoothly. Many entrepreneurs often overlook the importance of a steady cashflow in lieu of quick profitability. You can build a great team, you can spend a lot on system and upgrade, however make sure that you create a steady flow of cash first. It will enable you to show to your investors that you are selling something that is constantly in demand. Consistent cash flows will eventually turn into profits.

Dreams, visions, goals and plans are as important as the efforts and actions you put into them. So, start moving forward with your plan because success is always connected to proper strategy and action.

