Top 5 Travel Book By Indian Authors That I’ve Read

Ash King
4 min readNov 28, 2018


Who doesn’t like travel? One of the greatest experience humans can have in his/her lifetime. But most of us so stuck with our regular work that we don’t even think about going out. And we start searching for another medium to explore the world.

One of the other medium is a book. So here I’m telling you a few traveling books by Indian authors:

A Million Mutinies Now(Vidhiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul): Vidhiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, a Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 2001 wrote an insightful and informative travel guide for all the generations.

This is his third book in the Indian trilogy and here is the proof of his writing skill in the introductory chapter “Independence had come to India like a kind of revolution. Now there were many revolutions within that revolution. . . . All over India scores of particularities that had been frozen by foreign rule, or by poverty or lack of opportunity or abjectness had begun to flow again.”

It was the gift from one of my colleague about a year ago and we still talk about this book.

Want to read? Buy here

A Million Mutinies Now

Around India in 80 Trains(Monisha Rajesh): Train journeys in India? No way. I heard it many times whenever some of my friends from other countries visit India. Nevertheless, the train journey is very popular in India because it is the most pocket-friendly mode of transportation.

I must come back to the topic; Monisha set a train journey during the winter of 2009 to see India. She covered 65,000 km in 4 months and then share her experience with us through the book. It is a story of adventure and drama infused with sparkling wit and humor.

Want to read? Buy here

Around India in 80 Trains

Butter Chicken in Ludhiana: Travels in Small Town India(Pankaj Mishra): A journey of 20 small towns of India from East to West and from North to South makes this book remarkable.

Mishra covers a lot of ground and describes peoples and his interactions with them. Such as students studying to pass Civil Service Examinations, or businessman in Ambala, or a Muslim hater teenage from Rajkot.

You’ll find a mixed-up response for this book, but as per me, this book is worth a try.

Want to read? Buy here

Butter Chicken in Ludhiana

Heat and Dust Project(Devapriya Roy and Saurav Jha): Don’t get confused with the title. It’s not a science project book. I read this book a couple of years ago and I liked it.

It is a story of Devpriya and Saurav(couple) decided for Bharat Darshan(Travelling India) under the tight budget of Rs.500(approximately $7) per day. They traveled Rajasthan and Gujrat and shared their experience in this book. This is a guide for tourists and travelers who are yet to experience the Heat and Dust.

Want to read? Buy here

Heat and Dust Project

Following Fish: Travels Around The Indian Coast(Samanth Subramanian): A description from Google Book and a Flipkart

  • Google Book: In a coastline as long and diverse as India’s, fish inhabit the heart of many worlds — food of course, but also culture, commerce, sport, history, and society. Journeying along the edge of the peninsula, Samanth Subramanian reports upon a kaleidoscope of extraordinary stories.
  • Flipkart Customer: A very nice travelogue around the Indian coastline and very well written. The journey starts from Kolkatta to Gujrat through Orissa, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Bombay, and Goa. It not only captures the lifestyle of the people living in the coastal regions but also the history, culture, recipes, and tradition associated with them.

Want to read? Buy here

Following Fish

What do you think about the list? What do you like and what doesn’t?

Your comment is most valuable to me; it’ll help me to improve my writing skills.

