Contentos brings 2048 to the blockchain community

Winning the hearts, Winning the race.

4 min readJun 19, 2019


Today, most of the users of the Blockchain platform (or dApps) are attracted towards gaming or gambling applications. This pattern is similar to mobile applications in iOS or Android. The active daily user base in most popular gaming dApps range between 7000–8000 users.

What happens when the blockchain community is introduced to the most viral game from the real world.

Contentos brings 2048 to the blockchain community.

History of 2048:

2048 was originally written in JavaScript and released on March 9, 2014, as free and open-source software.

It received over 4 million visitors in less than a week and became a viral hit.

2048 game has been described by the Wall Street Journal as “almost like Candy Crush for math geeks”, and Business Insider called it “Threes on steroids”.

As the source code is available, many versions to the original game have been written including in C++, Linux terminal, etc.

Now Contentos’s team builds the first ever blockchain version of 2048 called COS 2048 available in Google Play.

COS 2048 is a sliding block puzzle dApp game built on Contento’s blockchain. The game’s objective is to slide numbered tiles on a grid. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided.

With each successful move, player gain points. When the player has no legal moves (there are no empty spaces and no adjacent tiles with the same value), the game ends.

Once fully ready, Players will be able to participate by staking COS tokens. It is like putting a bet on your mathematical skills. By the end of the game, if the player gains more than certain points or when a tile with a value of 2048 appears on the board, the player/s are rewarded with COS token.

If results are otherwise, player/s lose their stake. The process of rewarding (conversion of points to COS tokens) is managed by Contento’s smart contracts.

Currently, the app is in its test phase and participants can try out the application without any need to stake and get rewarded with COS tokens. Each time individual scores higher than 1000 points, they get rewarded with 10 COS tokens.

A participant can also join and battle out with another participant. Each stake 5 COS tokens and race to gain maximum points within a certain time period. By the end of the time period, the player with maximum point wins 10 COS tokens.

COS 2048 will match 2 players and they compete with each other to get the first 1000 points.

Since been built on Contentos’s blockchain, now game players can also leverage on the option to live-stream their play in Contento’s platform.

“Live-streaming is a very popular trend in the gaming community. People who live stream their video game play, either as a hobby or profession, are known as streamers.”

The practice became popular in the mid-2010s on sites such as Twitch and later, YouTube.”

By live-streaming with commentary on COS 2048 like sharing some tips and tricks with the gaming community, streamers gain following and can earn ‘COS’ tokens from subscription model or donations from the followers who were helped from the streamers tips for the game.

Contentos believe all members of the ecosystem should benefit from their contributions. By utilizing the tokenization enabled by blockchain technology, Contentos aims to bring to life the dream of a more fair and democratic environment.

Building Adoption:

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”

— by Charles Duhigg

Currently, crypto assets are largely bought for speculation and few buy it for utility. As a result, many failed to build an ecosystem or attract users/adopters to use their services.

Today there are more than 50 million users who have one or more wallets but very few use these crypto assets for utility, the real purpose for which these assets were created. Currently, in total 2000 decentralized applications (dApps) are in existence which has a combined daily user activity of a 100–200K users.

Contentos’s understand these challenges. Therefore for gaining user adoption and utility, they initiated the daily sign-up promotional activity. As a part of this program, any registered wallet signing-up on daily basis gains bonus ‘COS’ tokens. This ensures to build a healthy habit among users and increase daily user activity in their platform.

Currently, in its test phase, the Contentos’s blockchain has achieved max 13,200+ transaction per sec with already 56,000+ registered users or wallets) and on an average daily user activity of ~5000+.

About Contentos:

Contentos adopts dPoS which greatly improves TPS comparing with PoW. dApp developers can start to leverage on contentos smart contracts which cater to the customized demands at the most extent.

To know more about Contentos, Visit the website or Subscribe to their Blog or follow their Twitter to stay updated.

UID: 11076403904555008



Ashvarya Kharoo

Engineer with love for technology, especially those which solve real-user problems. In blockchain for the last 5 years.