I turned down 6 figures of income.

Ashleigh Blatt, PMP
4 min readJan 10, 2018



“Power is not given to you. You have to take it.” Beyonce

(This Beyonce quote is on repeat right now for a reason.)

Let me start out by saying that money matters.
Anyone that says differently is a fool.

When you have money, extra money, that is, it changes everything in your life.

Your sense of freedom.
Your sense of security.
Your sense of pride.
Your ability to take action in one form or another.

That’s the truth.
I have lived my life being the richest kid on the block and also being the poorest.
I know both sides of the tracks, I have certainly lived them.

Money makes life easier.
Not necessarily happier, I don’t buy that line of BS.
But it definitely makes life easier.

That’s why my work’s focus is on creating income.

Income streams.
Capitalizing on what you have,
what you think about,
what the opportunities are and then going after them one by one.

Until you have 5 or 6 systematized and growing income streams.
That’s my goal in life anyway.
For me and my clients.

Roller coasters are great and all, but only @ Disneyland.

Reduce the roller coaster.
Look for scale.
Look for ease.

I had no problem driving two hours to meet with the celeb I had been coveting for a year+.
She was funny as heck. Funny as I had ever seen in a woman.
Her persona online and in person drove tears of laughter.

But one look at what she was doing, she was missing out on a ton of opportunity.
A ton of financial opportunity.

I get it. She was so focused on her primary craft she didn’t have the know-how, much less the time, to take advantage of the opportunities in front of her.

So I was thrilled when I finally got the call to come in and meet.

And then she was rude.
And impatient.
And … condescending
Not just to me but to the others in the room.

Sure, I want the money.
Money matters.
But toxic headaches matter more.
There was no ease in this client.

I am old enough, wise enough and perhaps, rich enough to eliminate the toxic.

Here are my humble advice and my own pure focus for 2018.
Healthy living: Toxic is out, ruthlessly. Positive energy is in.
Money matters: Grow with excitement and ease.

Lead Ladies Lead.

→ Interested in Mark Zuckerberg’s New Year’s Resolution? Think big and fix Facebook! Random side note: Although he hasn’t announced yet many in politics think he’s gearing up to run for president in the next election. Wonder what changes that means for Facebook!

What do these business superstars, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos (satire) New Year’s Resolutions have in common? THINKING ridiculous and thinking big!

→ LOVE THIS… I haven’t eaten at a McDonald’s since I was pregnant with my oldest but I do love a good solid business. Starbucks became the new McDonald’s when they used their growth process. NOW McDonald’s has created a $1 menu except there are items that are $2 and $3 on it too! Cheers to a solid and easy upsell. Who goes into McD’s to spend only $1 anyway?!

Manage This.

→ “BUT HOW?” is the consistent question. The answer is you don’t need a zillion customers you just need one. Or ten. Maybe 20? And you need to take care of them. Nurture them. Belove them. That’s traditional business.

“BUT HOW, I’m building an online business.”

That’s when you turn to Erin and Mike Kelly from MemberVault. They are doing this FREE training that’ll make your life easier — by specifically, giving you a plan of action to connect with your audience like a HUUUUUMAN in 2018, and uncovering how to find your biggest fans.

You always ask me how. This is it. Free training by people who specialize in over-delivering.


→ Give yourself a break. I know it’s easier said than done. But the holidays required a lot of work. And now that the holidays are over so many of you are stuck in the snow! Shoot, the break has been so long even the kids want to go back to school. Best advice ever? Put your feet up. Turn on the tube and let them destroy your house. You’re going to have to clean it anyway. So who cares and put your feet up! You deserve it!

Last but not least.

→ I was honored to be asked to participate in Adrienne Dorison’s book Earn More to Give More. Of course, I am last in the book, as I am guessing the final message is always: “You’re doing a great job!”

→ This old post, How to Organize Your Life in One Single Afternoon, is being read again and again and again.

Originally published via THE POWER SQUAD PROJECT.

Join over 40,000 women @ THE POWER SQUAD PROJECT. ← Get my 5 FAVORITE TOOLS TO HELP YOU FOCUS ON MAKING MONEY. Stop wasting time and start making money!

