Simplicity is Back & So is the Flip Phone?!?

Ashleigh Blatt, PMP
3 min readNov 29, 2017



“Your life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision.” Tony Robbins

Woo! Simplicity is on its way back! And this really excites me!
Apple just received the patent to have a foldable smartphone!

For a long time now I have dreamt of having the flip phone again. Here are my requirements.

A good camera.
The ability to make and receive phone calls.
The ability to text without having to tap tap tap.

That’s it. 3 requirements.
Oh yeah and I guess to flip the phone in an OG way.

Truth is Apple gets lots of patents they don’t execute on. (Yet.)
And the other truth is I don’t have to wait for the product to come forth to reach my own desires.

I can (and have) eliminated a bazillion apps on my phone.
I don’t have the notifications distracting me.
I don’t have the phone near me if I know my kids are safe.

I can create the simplicity I am looking for without giving Apple more money.
Now, I can’t say I won’t be tempted especially if it comes in gold!

But the truth is, the point is, we can create what we want right here, right now, and today.

Lead Ladies Lead.

Gucci is starting a research lab to study the winners, losers, and changes in the luxury market. To me, this shows that Gucci is 1) feeling the pinch in the slowdown of the luxury market 2) hanging on for dear life and 3) making an opportunity out a change in their marketplace! (Something I personally can’t wait to read!)

→ I absolutely love Seth Godin and this post is spot on! If you care about your customers, really really really care, they will feel it, know it and be loyal in return.


→ A long while ago I read the man who won the race was the one who got angry before it. And this story about strategic stress makes me think of that. Corporate strategies thrive on strategic stress. Avoid boredom and too much autonomy. Add in a challenge and a hint of pressure and you’ll thrive! #thinkonit

→ I have watched this video a few times now on “How to sell anything!” It is so straight to the point and probably the reason it’s been viewed so many times!! (Thanks, Mike Kelly from Member Vault for sharing this gem!)


→ This was worth repeating… “True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake, it is making the choice to not build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from.” Woa! Let’s repeat — “choice not to build a life you don’t need to regularly escape from!”

Last but not least.

→ I have started posting quick jam sessions on Facebook Live. This week we are talking a lot about December and finishing the year strong. Check in on our Facebook page for these convos!

→ We are having so much fun in our text message accountability service! There’s power in connection! Join us when you’re ready!

Originally published via THE POWER SQUAD PROJECT.

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