Stand Out from the Noise in 2018

Ashleigh Blatt, PMP
4 min readJan 8, 2018



“Power is not given to you. You have to take it.” Beyonce

(This Beyonce quote is on repeat right now for a reason).

(This Beyonce quote is on repeat right now for a reason.)

Let 2018 begin not only a new year for us but a new movement.
More so than the (ah-mazing) women’s movement happening but to also, very intentional, real tangible growth.
In our businesses and in our personal lives.

I have had a zillion conversations these last few weeks with entrepreneurs. In fact, I have 10 more conversations scheduled for this week alone and would have more, but honestly, I am running out of room!

Here’s what I am learning and it should be little surprise to you.
People are making money. Many are making good money.
Many don’t really care about making tons of money but would rather have further security, consistency, and yes, of course, some growth too.

This is the story that’s repeated over and over again.
And the question that is asked of me over and over again is HOW.
How do we create more without adding mass amounts of work to our already over-filled schedules?

To me, and my clients, we see results in mixing both online business and traditional business practices.

That’s what makes someone stand out.
Relationships. Authenticity. Excitement.

When I first met Erin Kelly of Member Vault this past year she was doing something no one was talking about anymore.
Talking with your customers.
Engaging with your customers.
Keeping up with your customers.

I was so floored by her innovation and uniqueness in this online space. You mean, engage with your customer??

That’s how you stand out!
You return to old business practices and become a real person again!

Erin and Mike are champions at keeping your tribe, your customers and your stalkers engaged, active and wanting to return for more.
I know b/c I am one of them. Part of their tribe (self-declared), a customer (heck yeah) and a bit of a not-so-creepy stalker.

You ask me how do I stay up to date and on top of the most important trends? I stay connected with these two.

Starting on Wednesday, they are delivering a FREE 3-part series where you’ll get strategy, templates and swipe files to make it beyone easy to not only connect with your customers but to also identify your hottest sales leads so you feel in control and confident.

I am excited about the training that unlocks on Wednesday, Jan 10th and you’ll have lifetime access!

Sign up right here for the Re-Engage Your List & Discover Your Biggest Fans training — totes free and 100% guaranteed to be awesome.

Don’t get lost in what to send and when to send it instead engage with your leads and customers while also finding your inner email pro with this free training.

You always ask me HOW I am 1000% confident this will help you 10x over.


Lead Ladies Lead.

Oprah, ladies, Oprah.

Manage This.

→ But HOW? You don’t have to do everything on your own. This is the year of doing what you love and outsourcing the rest! YES. Outsourcing the rest. I love how Kelly Morrison quick and easy workshops, like launching an affiliate program, to get you quick and real answers NOW.

2018 Editorial Calendar template in case you missed it, this is an extensive template but definitely worth looking at.


→ Giving thanks to a change in thinking in the online world. My friends were sharing this blog post by Ramit. How 1000 customers generated $8.6 million in revenue. You don’t need a lot of customers, you just need the right customers.

Last but not least.

→ We are currently interviewing women to be featured here in The Power Squad Project. If you would like to be considered or know someone who would, please let us know!

Fierce and Focused in 2018.

Originally published via THE POWER SQUAD PROJECT.

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