“Where were you?”

Ashleigh Blatt, PMP
3 min readJan 15, 2018



“Power is not given to you. You have to take it.” Beyonce

(This Beyonce quote is on repeat right now for a reason.)

Wooo! It’s a holiday!
My kids are out again and we were on vacay again! Today’s email is going to be quick.

I am learning so much about your priorities and your actions.
In-depth and in details.
And at scale.

Here’s the consistent problem.
It’s hard to focus.
It’s hard to accomplish what it is that you want.
You have responsibilities and priorities that pull you in many different directions.

And these responsibilities are keeping you from accomplishing…
I know.
I am there with you too.
Last week, my little one had 104+ temperature for 5 solid days.
Every time she rolled over she would scream “WATER!” and have me running to help her!

How was I supposed to do my work when my little 5 yo priority was my biggest priority?

Start by focusing on ONE THING.
Not two.
Not three.
Not four.
Not 600 that are coming at you.

That way you can grow every day.
That way I can grow every day.

Do one thing that will help you grow.
One thing that matters.

Then you get back to the distractions.
The little big priorities.

And your kid doesn’t have to ask
“Where were you?”


→ Don’t freak out. Remember traditional business is the new business process. Even though Facebook announced major changes in its feed and everyone and their grandmother seems to be freaking out, you don’t have to.

Don’t panic… be chill!
Strong businesses are built on things other than a social media platform.

Focus on relationships!


→ “What’s going right?” That what my brother asked me and my answer was “Ummm…” If your answer is not at the tip of your tongue, you need to slow down. Slow down and get super clear. Then work really really really hard getting really good.

Have you been shadowbanned on Instagram? We have. Alex Tooby is an awesome to keep up with on all things IG. Get rid of your shadowban here. Follow her Men & Coffee IG profile just for the fun of it! #yourewelcome

The #1 Meeting High-Achievers schedule every week.


→ 🥑🥑🥑 Avocados can change everything! Tony Robbins calls is changing your state! Say IIIIIIII if you agree! 🥑🥑🥑

Originally published via THE POWER SQUAD PROJECT.

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