Never let fear determine your fate. The uses of Brain-Computer Interface could help you overcome trauma.

Ashlei Lewis
2 min readMay 24, 2023

It is true that movies and science fiction have played a role in shaping public perception and understanding of emerging technologies, including brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and neurotechnology. These portrayals often emphasize futuristic scenarios and raise concerns about potential risks and unintended consequences. While it is important to acknowledge that fiction can spark imagination and discussions about the ethical implications of new technologies, it is also crucial to differentiate between fictional portrayals and the actual capabilities and limitations of real-world BCIs.

Movies and sci-fi stories often depict extreme scenarios where BCIs are portrayed as invasive or capable of mind control, leading to fear and apprehension. However, it is essential to note that real-life BCIs are developed with a primary focus on improving human health, quality of life, and augmenting capabilities rather than malevolent control. The scientific and medical communities dedicated to neurotechnology prioritize ethical considerations, privacy, and user consent to ensure responsible development and usage.

While it is natural for people to have concerns and fears regarding new technologies, it is important to engage in informed discussions that are grounded in the current state of scientific research and real-world applications. By understanding the actual advancements, ongoing research, and the extensive ethical considerations surrounding BCIs, individuals can have a more balanced perspective and make informed judgments.

Open dialogue between scientists, researchers, ethicists, policymakers, and the public is crucial for addressing concerns, dispelling myths, and establishing trust. Transparent communication about the potential benefits, risks, and safeguards associated with BCIs can help alleviate fears and promote a more accurate understanding of these technologies.

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that the portrayal of BCIs in movies and science fiction often focuses on dramatic narratives for entertainment purposes. The actual development of BCIs is a gradual and iterative process that involves extensive research, testing, and regulatory oversight. It is essential not to conflate fictional portrayals with the current reality of BCIs.

Ultimately, it is important to embrace a balanced and critical perspective when evaluating the potential of emerging technologies like BCIs. By promoting responsible research, ethical guidelines, and open dialogue, society can harness the transformative potential of neurotechnology while addressing and mitigating any valid concerns that may arise.



Ashlei Lewis

A passionate writer that is both fun and educational, and combines creativity and expertise to produce content that captivates readers.