Ashley R. Beasley
1 min readJan 26, 2018


By Cassandra Worthy

I recently attended a networking event with McKinsey & Company targeted at Women in Operations. During which, we discussed the differences between mentor-ship and sponsorship, types of mentor-ship , and the do’s/don’ts in maintaining a successful mentor network. One bit of perspective I found many of the attendees grab onto is hearing what it’s like being a sponsor. As many have come to know, sponsorship differs from mentor-ship in that one does not actively seek out a sponsor. Sponsorship is that elusive connection working ‘behind the scenes’ to nurture and foster careers. A sponsor represents you and your work during advancement and role placement discussions. It’s not always formal, but they in essence serve you and help ensure the success of your career, oftentimes unbeknownst to you. Bottom line, they are critical to ensure you and your work have a firm seat at the table.

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