2 min readJun 7, 2023


My friend, by ‘open doors’ I mean the opportunities that come your way if you walk fearlessly through life. When you let go of fear and doubt, and approach each day with hope and courage, doors will tend to open for you. Let me elaborate:

  • Fear keeps us stuck, while courage moves us forward. When you face each challenge with courage, you grow as a person and become ready for greater things.
  • Hope gives us vision. When you have hope for a better future, you work towards making it a reality. Hope motivates and inspires action.
  • Wisdom helps us see the right path. As you gain experience and wisdom, you’ll be able to discern which “doors” are worth walking through.
  • Love gives us strength beyond ourselves. Knowing you are loved and loving others enables you to persevere through difficulties.

So when I say “open doors”, I mean new possibilities that become available to you as you walk through life with less fear, more hope, wisdom and love. Your circumstances may not change immediately, but you yourself change — you become the kind of person for whom doors tend to open. Does this make sense, my friend? Fear closes doors, while courage, hope, wisdom and love help throw them wide open for those who walk fearlessly.

