Ashley Hamilton
2 min readMay 10, 2016

The Passing of Prince: A Story About Control

Pardon my absence from Medium because, in the rush to write and post about everything of importance to me, I sometimes like to pause.

I like to think about the significance of life and loss, of personal dreams and professional ambitions, of the signal versus the noise, in this extravaganza of everyday challenges and existential concerns.

In considering the passing of Prince, and from my perspective as an artist and musician, words fail me — and the desire to make music eludes me — when I absorb the enormity of this void.

It would be too easy for me to repeat what so many have said, and continue to say, that Prince’s mastery of so many instruments — the felicity of his fingers on the guitar or keyboard — is a testament to his everlasting legacy of genius and innate talent.

He bequeaths to us a career centered, in a good way, around control.

His work is a reminder that you should never sacrifice your skills — you should never surrender your rights or royalties — for someone else to devalue or destroy; that what you create is too important to yield to managers and agents, unless they promise — in words and deeds — to preserve, protect and defend what you summon from the depths of your heart and the integrity of your soul.

Be a prince — and control your kingdom.