
Ashley Heacock
2 min readJun 4, 2024


Guidance for your journey

Fokasu Art

Each medicina is different. There are feminine medicines and masculine medicines. How you take them and combine them is important. You can end up having unnormal hormonal imbalances if you do not properly know the ways of these sacred medicines.


Grandfather Tobacco — masculine, brings you to truth

Santa Maria — feminine, heals you of fear

You can read more about the sacred healing combination of these herbs here.


Mushrooms — sends you into another dimension, connects you to sacred geometry, your extraterrestrial family, etc.

LSD — also sends you other dimensions and connects you to sacred geometry


Grandfather Wachuma — this medicine is masculine. It is typically taken while hiking or in nature. If you are female, be aware. You can have sexual experiences. So be careful of who your shaman is. I have heard of hormonal imbalances because females go to males who are not able to hold the energy. Perhaps, try going into a forest or garden or somewhere where you can get naked and experience the sacredness of this medicine.

Grandmother Ayahuasca — this medicine is feminine. It is best taken with an experienced shaman. It is intense. First start with Santa Maria and Grandfather Tobacco. See how you are feeling. If you are male, you can also experience sexuality.


The below writings are sensitive. If you care about animals, you may not want to read more.

The below medicinas are from frogs and toads. These must be properly cared for in the most sacred of ways.

Kambo — is a frog able to heal you of fear and to detoxify you. You can read more about the incredible benefits here. However, you should know that this medicine is very dangerous for females. It is used for stamina. I have done it and found it very advantageous, and I am female. However, I have known women who have found it very overwhelming and it makes them too masculine. It can also screw up your hormones. So be careful!

Bufo — is a toad able to assist you in accessing higher dimensions of consciousness. You can read more about the experience of the journey here.



Ashley Heacock

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3