Concern about the Amazon Rainforest and Life Herself Dying

Ashley Heacock
2 min readJun 10, 2024


  1. Until we can calculate that the Amazon Jungle is not a shit hole for “factory farms” of animals and petroleum industry, life on earth is dying.
  2. “The Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon dioxide than it is able to absorb, scientists have confirmed for the first time. The emissions amount to a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, according to a study. The giant forest had previously been a carbon sink, absorbing the emissions driving the climate crisis, but is now causing its acceleration, researchers said. Most of the emissions are caused by fires, many deliberately set to clear land for beef and soy production. But even without fires, hotter temperatures and droughts mean the south-eastern Amazon has become a source of CO2, rather than a sink. Growing trees and plants have taken up about a quarter of all fossil fuel emissions since 1960, with the Amazon playing a major role as the largest tropical forest. Losing the Amazon’s power to capture CO2 is a stark warning that slashing emissions from fossil fuels is more urgent than ever, scientists said.” — The Guardian
  3. So all the proceeds from Amazon Website will go to the Amazon Jungle
  4. “Live Locally”
  5. “Feel Globally”
  6. Read about the personal stories of people being removed from their homeland and their medicinas and food supplies being destroyed due to capitalistic interests here.
  7. Should you make your own oat milk at home? The cost in the store is like $5. When you can make the same at home for a “quarter of the price.”
  8. To save the Amazon and Life Herself, we need to switch from cow skim watery milk to Oat Milk (or almond or coconut):
  9. Why don’t we share more nursery rhymes in congress?
  10. I think we’re starting to ingest our own shit.



Ashley Heacock

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3