Top Things You May May Want to Know or Do Now:

Ashley Heacock
Heart Revolution
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2024
  1. Don’t do anything. Meditate.
  2. Buy only organic, especially coffee
  3. Rotate your foods, so you are not consuming only one thing and are getting plenty of nutrition and are not stressing out crops
  4. Buy foods that have nutrition so that you are not hungry or obese
  5. Vinegar and soap for bathing instead of chemicals; non-toxic/no chemicals so the water stays pure
  6. Become vegetarian
  7. Research regenerative finance and John Fullerton 2015. Email me if you’d wish to correspond about pages on Separate Parts versus Dynamic Wholes. My email is
  8. Go on a solo retreat. Be with yourself, books, art, music. Meditate. Feel your Heart.
  9. Start an organic farm that has multiple varieties of plants, fruits, vegetables, herbs, medicines.
  10. Start using Santa Maria and Grandfather Tobacco to heal yourself
  11. Enroll your child in an alternative form of education that is more playful and creative, such as Montessori.
  12. Did you know that God in the Bible is actually plural? The bibles in English and Latin miss the translation. God is actually Gods, and that means both female and male. So God is also a woman. Does that help you in any way?
  13. Be open-minded to your child being non-traditional. Or, help your child remember their cultural tradition.
  14. How many families in poverty can you support with all of your extra income? It doesn’t have to go through the tax system. Just start sharing, giving, donating!
  15. Hire somebody to help you, again, no taxes, just through cash. Cooking, cleaning, yard work. Take a load off yourself and support the immigrants.
  16. Eat, sleep, and smoke before having important conversations. I.e. make sure you are able to function ❤
  17. Remember Grandma.
  18. Remember, you are not a barcode and life is not a game. Bible Scripture XYZ
  19. Not too much French. Maybe archery? Or Rosemary and Time?
  20. How much money are you spending on plane trips? Maybe give some of that to a poor person?
  21. If you are traveling, especially, but also always, use non-chemical soaps, shampoos, and sunscreens. Please do not pollute the beautiful pristine lands that you go to.
  22. Are you Muslim? Lo sentio, but you are not promised 72 virgins by killing people. “One should note that most translations, even those by Muslims themselves such as A Yusuf Ali, and the British Muslim Marmaduke Pickthall, translate the Arabic (plural) word Abkarun as virgins, as do well-known lexicons such the one by John Penrice. I emphasise this fact since many pudic and embarrassed Muslims claim there has been a mistranslation, that ‘virgins’ should be replaced by ‘angels’.”
  23. Killing people will lead you back to earth again and again. Learn about Hinduism and Catholism to know more.
  24. You may also be a person who believes there are no rules here. However, learn about karma, or God. Or The Kingdom and your salvation.
  25. Learn about The Amazon Rainforest. See how you can help preserve it.
  26. Do not give money or support to BlackRock, Capital Group, Vanguard or similar financial institutions that are ruining the Amazonian Rainforest with mining. The Amazon produces 20% of the oxygen we breathe.
  30. Did you read the above? There are medicines for easier pregnancy in the Amazon. There are medicines for anxiety in the Amazon. Can we do more to ensure this Sacred Land is protected?
  31. Write a letter to BlackRock, Capital Group, and Vanguard about how they are destroying the rainforests: Why Forests Matter to Us All: Seventy percent of the plants identified by the U.S. National Cancer Institute as useful in the treatment of cancer only grow in the rainforest. Deforestation in forests accounts for 11 percent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The Amazon produces 20% of the oxygen we breathe. The Amazon stores 80–120 billion tons of carbon, stabilizing our planet’s climate. 1/5 of the world’s fresh water is found in the Amazon basin. Forests provide direct livelihoods to millions of people living in and around them. Forests provide a habitat for wildlife, insects, and plants, which are essential for the health of our planet
  32. Write a letter to Joe (President Joe Biden) saying we need to do more to restrict USA companies from harming plants, animals, and humans in the Amazon Rainforest.
  33. Write a letter to the UN saying we need to do more to protect the Amazon Rainforest.
  34. Did you know that you cannot get iron just by eating meat? Foods need to be combined. Iron needs to be combined with vitamin C. So, quinoa with orange juice will provide you with the right combination for absorbing iron, if you are vegetarian. Tomatoes with your meat will increase your absorption of iron so you don’t have to eat as much, and we can help save the planet too.
  35. Meal suggestions:
  38. Research: Do I need a worm farm? :)
  40. Complete proteins are: A food is considered a complete protein when it contains all nine essential amino acids that our body can’t produce on its own. By comparison, incomplete proteins contain some, but not all, of the essential amino acids, and in various amounts.
  41. Avoid coffee, tea, or milk near meals that contain iron-rich foods: Have your coffee or tea between meals instead.
  43. You can improve your body’s absorption by eating foods containing vitamin C, vitamin A, along with meat, fish, and poultry during your meals.
  44. Why do people want tomato sauce with their hamburger? Because your body is saying pair the iron with the vitamin C for absorption!
  45. Eat beans every day, but only a handful, or whatever your body craves. Vegetables and fruits too. Then your digestion tract will clear.
  46. Listen to heart-opening hymns and songs:
  47. Manhood:
  51. If you don’t like milk, don’t drink it. Skim milk and 1% are not milk. 2% or Whole Milk. The “non-fat” advertisements are a fluke. You need fat to live! If you don’t like real milk, then try oat or almond.
  52. Chivalry is not dead. Open the door for women. Carry their bags.
  53. Did you know that we will run out of oil by 2052?,be%20new%20wells%20to%20discover.
  54. Can anybody explain Salami Slicing to me?
  55. Or the Cabbage Strategy?
  56. Did you know laughing can give your abs a workout?
  57. Will you write Part II? Please email me at

This article was written by Ashley Heacock and channeled from everybody everywhere ❤



Ashley Heacock
Heart Revolution

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3