How to Become Better in 4 Steps

2 min readAug 25, 2020

Step 1: Decide what you perceive as “better”.

To be better, you first have to decide what “better” is. Not just that, you should probably figure out why too. Why do you want to be more organized? Why do you want to lose/gain weight or be more creative? Once you have a better understanding on what is better and the mentality that fuels that perception you can begin to…

A art program spells out “creative block” in peach letters & a windows pop-up asks: r u sure u want to leave without saving?

Step 2: Criticize your reasoning.

Criticize it to hell. Is it truly better to be skinnier/thicker? Is being a super organized person really going to make you feel better? and better how? What is being more creative? Having more ideas or better ideas, more frequently? What are better ideas? Who decides that? are better ideas really better then your ideas? Do you really want this “better” for you or for someone else? Who or What taught you that this perception of better really is better and how reliable are they?

Step 3: Reanalyze

Do you still want to be “better”or do you want to be different? different from how you are now? Why do you think who you are now isn’t better? Have you given yourself a chance to look at far you’ve already come to be the person you are now? All the moments that had to pass for you to be here right now? Even if its not where you want to be; its the path towards where you will be so give yourself a breather too,ya know?

Step 4: Just Be

Its little things that will get you there, and its the little things that got you here. Start with the smallest things, the smallest steps. be the person you want to be and if you feel you cant, F A K E it. fake it so much, until you are.Miss-steps will happen… but remember you’re faking it and sometimes fakers slip, until your so good at faking it that you just are. so Just be.

It says: I really should be sleeping in cutesy pink letters and a white grid background.

