Why Are You So Thirsty After a Deep Tissue Massage?

Ashley James
2 min readMar 4, 2020


When getting a massage one may think of relaxation and soothing of sore muscles but let’s chat about the idea of how massages help to rid waste metabolites.

These waste metabolites are produced by normal cellular reactions in your body. You can call them toxins because if they build up to abnormal concentrations, they can be harmful but nonetheless, these are normal products of cellular reactions in the body and thus like most biology, have purpose (even the so-called waste products). Keeping the concept in mind that most of these metabolic waste products likely have a purpose, one would not want to simply flush them out but perhaps, help them to be more quickly processed, re-cycled, and ready for reuse. Keep in mind every single cell of your body produces metabolic waste products so your body is always cleaning house.

When your muscles are tight or you’ve got a major knot, circulation is reduced and/or prevented from running through that area. This inhibits the body’s process of getting these metabolic waste products, putting them into circulation and carrying them to the correct area of the body for processing, re-cycling, re-use or excretion.

And, since tight muscles are probably what prompted you to make a massage appointment in the first place, chances are you’ve got some compromised circulation happening and it likely has been compromised for a few days now. Massage relaxes the tension, opening the proper circulatory pathways to allow nitrogenous metabolic waste to dump into the system. Drinking provides your kidneys with the water they need to effectively eliminate the newly liberated waste.

In all, massages are dehydrating… Kneading and working muscle gets circulation pumping out of the soft tissue, through the muscles and every cell of your bodyand into back into your circulatory system, where it heads toward your kidneys. Many times people will have to urinate directly after a massage.

Thus, between repleshing the lost water and properly fueling your kidney’s to effectively eliminate metabolic waste, you must drink water… you will likely even find yourself far more thirsty than normal following a massage.

Happy relaxation!



Ashley James

Health Enthusiast| Mind, Body, and Spirit experimenter.