Accidental lessons from a first-time manager

Ashley Mayer
4 min readMay 20, 2015


When I joined Box to run PR in 2009, I was a baby. At 24, I had two years of work experience where my greatest achievement was avoiding any sort of media interaction. No small feat at a PR agency! Thanks to decent writing skills, I had carved out a safe, reporter-free corner where I could work on “messaging.”

Then I joined Box, and there were no corners. I had to do everything out in the open, with my successes and failures on full display because I was the only person doing my job. It was terrifying (and exciting). But even more terrifying (and exciting) was becoming a manager.

I was lucky early in my career at Box. I had a manager who pushed me and believed in me, and even though I doubted whether I was fit to lead, she never did. In fact, throughout my entire time at Box, I’ve had people pushing me forward. I know that’s not the norm, and I’m grateful.

Building a team from the ground up is an amazing opportunity. It’s by far the coolest thing I’ve ever done professionally. It’s also incredibly hard, and I’ve made plenty of mistakes. But there are a few things I think I’ve done right, largely by accident. And while these lessons are likely obvious to seasoned managers, I figured I’d share them here for those of you who also find yourself running teams before your time.

Hire people who care more about ideas than experience. This isn’t something I set out to do, but it was inevitable. There’s a huge amount of self-selection in the recruiting process, and anyone who was uncomfortable reporting to a 24(or 25 or 26)-year-old probably never ventured beyond the initial phone screen. (It likely helped that the Box co-founders are my age, so joining the company in any department required an immunity to reverse ageism.) As a result, the people I hired were way more excited about the opportunity and the mission than they were concerned about reporting structure (and, ahem, politics). Turns out, these are the kind of teammates you want for the long haul.

Worry about being respected, not liked. I was an insecure manager. Several of my early hires were way more competent and experienced than I, and in an alternate, more logical universe, they would have been my boss. Because of this, my top priority was earning their respect. I attempted to do this by working extremely hard and being candid about the gaps in my knowledge. By contrast, I think focusing on being liked can be a trap for leaders who assume their titles and expertise warrant respect by default. I am a firm believer that friendship in the workplace must be built on a foundation of respect first. The reverse is much more precarious.

Make your job about removing obstacles. When you manage people more experienced than yourself, the best thing you can do is get out of their way — and get obstacles out of their way, too. My two big responsibilities as a manager are 1) removing obstacles, and 2) making sure everyone is moving in the same direction. This means spending a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of inconsistencies, dealing with difficult people or processes, problem-solving, and chasing down and relaying better information — activities that, while not exactly glamorous, are surprisingly gratifying.

Hire for your weaknesses. I had no choice but to hire for my weaknesses, because I had them in abundance. While I’m sure every manager feels pressure to be good at everything (or at least appear that way), it turns out you only need to be good at a few things and then find people whose skills and experiences complement yours. Every person we brought on contributed new strengths, and in the process, I learned from them and became stronger myself. We all did. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and all that jazz.

Bring on your future leaders early. This, too, was accidental, and to be fair, it’s probably a difficult strategy to predictably execute and scale. Because we needed to compensate for my shortcomings, we hired people with experience and leadership potential early on. Importantly, they were also doers — people who weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty as part of a small, scrappy team. Fast-forward several years, and these people are now running teams of their own. Bringing on your future leaders early, even if it means having a temporarily top-heavy org structure, makes upward mobility possible for the whole team later on.

Okay, that’s all I’ve got. Because Silicon Valley is a crazy place, I know there are tons of people in similar positions as the result of timing, luck and hard work rather than a predictable career path. You got this. 👊

