Married to an Opioid Addict

Lemon Price
8 min readAug 6, 2018

PTSD, Addiction, Divorce, Oh My!

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

Today I’m going to tell you a story of a deep downward spiral and how it could have been prevented.

I met the guy who I thought was the love of my life when I was 23. I was in a bar. Specifically, a nightclub in Atlantic City — not the most ideal place to meet a significant other. I wasn’t planning to be in Atlantic City that night, but some friends convinced me to go out with them to celebrate his birthday.

I felt weird about it, but I went anyway. That’s when I met the birthday boy — a boy who would eventually end up becoming my husband just a few short months later. I wasn’t looking for a relationship at the time, and neither was he. I was finishing my first MA and had plans to go back south, as NJ didn’t quite cut it for me. He was in the Army at the time and wasn’t sure if he was going to deploy.

Nevertheless, we fell in love hard and fast. We met at the end of February and fell in love with each other by Easter. It was VERY quick. We were engaged on a Saturday night in December and were married only three days later. I was completely “head over heels” in love.

Now, let’s backtrack a little, because the time that transpired between our dating and getting married is very important to note. He was in the Army and injured. He had hurt his knee before we met…

