Working With A Developer!: The Cool Summer Intern Week 7–8😎

Ashley R. Smith
2 min readJul 10, 2017


Happy Monday!

Since my weeks as a UX Design intern are coming to a close, the pressure to end on a great note is definitely on my shoulders. These past couple of weeks, I have been given the assignment to redesign a portion of the application that will go into affect immediately. This has been a very different experience compared to my other projects. Read more to learn about how it went!

So, I am working with the engineering intern in order to redesign some styling and placement changes on our company’s application. All I can say is…CHECK US OUT! Even though these changes may seem minor, they are HUGE to me. Nobody can tell me anything after this because I am creating something that will go into the application immediately! *UX Goals* Here is what I learned through this redesign project:

  1. I learned how to make a document pixel perfect.

I am actually a recovering perfectionist, so this was not anything out of my league (lol), but this is the first time I have been very specific and anal about pixels. I had no idea how serious just 1 pixel can be and how much it can throw off a design that is in a small space. I had to keep readjusting the size of my icons and text, which then resulted in me needing to change other parts of the design. Honestly, it was quite enjoyable and relaxing (and it scratched my need for perfection😊).

2. I learned how to properly upload a design to InVision.

Since I am “handing off” this design to a developer, I needed to actually use InVision more seriously than I have before. Before, I only played around with it and tried to learn the different functions, but this is the first time my InVision file had to be correct and clear. I spent an afternoon uploading and reuploading my files in order to make sure it was exactly as I intended. Then, I sent the link to my team for them to look over and provide feedback before giving me the okay.

Overall, that has been the biggest medium worthy experience these past couple weeks. My hope is to see these changes on the app soon, and I can write about how it all comes out once the engineering intern is finished! On another note, I do not believe I’ve done the “advice I’d give myself” portion in awhile, so here it goes:

Keep grinding girl 💻.

Thank you for reading! How are you summer internships, jobs, and/or ventures? Comment and let me know.


