How to be a “human doll”girly girl!

Ashley Aurora
4 min readJan 18, 2023


A human doll is someone who is very feminine, bubbly, and girly. They have a certain style to them that represents a doll-like presence. I believe every woman is beautiful in their own way, but this is for the women who want to transform themselves into human dolls and steal hearts!

Each article will teach you how to transform yourself into a beautiful doll and how to deal with relationships, daily life, and, of course, dating!

Back in the day, it wasn’t my jet black hair that made me “not so doll like”, it was how I dressed and styled myself and most importantly, how I acted, because you can totally pull off a doll look with jet black hair!

I just wasn’t really that feminine back in the day, and I carried myself in a completely different way than I do now as a “doll”.

I was definitely more clingy back then, and I have learned that clingy does not work in the dating world. In the past, I aired out past life struggles, and that’s definitely something you can’t do, as I was attracting the wrong kind of men! When I was twenty-four, I escaped an abusive relationship and knew that I wanted to change a lot about myself.

I studied what worked through social media and focused on myself for a year. I learned to love myself and feel more beautiful. I transformed my look into a “doll look”. I even started acting differently in public.

Most men want someone who is like a Barbie doll. They may never admit it, but in the end, that’s what most men want. I’m not saying every man is like this, but you have had to see it at some point in life, probably more than you realize!

Men will complain about women wearing make-up, lashes, and hair extensions but then dump their nice, natural-looking girlfriend for the girl that looks like a porn star or a Barbie doll!

Come on now, you know you have seen it done before!

Guys want to live in this dreamy, perfect world, so when you first start dating, you’ve got to sell them that American dream!

It is always important to never air out baggage since that ruins their perfect painted fantasy.

Men are always chasing after a fantasy.

That’s why we have porn!

Once you’re in a deep relationship after some time, you can then start sharing some confidential things, as it’s important to be true to the person you’re with and to yourself, but also keep the imagination going.

If you’re already in a long-term relationship or married, this method could still work for you, but it is important to follow all the steps!

When you learn to love yourself and you feel more beautiful, things start to change for the better.

This may even be the article that saves your relationship or marriage!

It is important to remember that even though my doll process works amazingly, some relationships/marriages just cannot be saved.

Every guy wants to be with a girl who has that powerful feminine look about her, and the doll look is certainly one of them! It is also very important to know that guys don’t want girls who are needy, clingy, drama queens, and always in the middle of some crazy episode.

You should also be aware that you do not have to be in a romantic relationship in order to be a “doll.” You don’t have to give relationship with guys a thought; you may enjoy life with them tumbling at your feet.

This is about living your own doll fantasy and taking control!

Being a doll is empowering and so much fun!

Later on I will walk you through everything; your hair formula, your makeup, and how to dress!

I will navigate you through a new world of extreme femininity, love, and a little bit of magic.

Maybe after reading, you’ll decide that the doll look is not for you, and that’s totally fine since everybody has their own preference.

You may even laugh and think that everything about this method is flat out silly!

Becoming a human doll is not for everyone, as it’s a huge commitment and it’s life-changing.


Maybe after reading this book, you will transform yourself into a magical doll and feel beautiful within and out, and your fantasy will become a reality.

CHEERS TO LIVING YOUR DREAM! Are you ready, doll?

This will be continued!

IG Strawberry_Sugarmilk



Ashley Aurora

Author of Horror/Thrillers & knowledge of all things beauty! 👩‍👦Autism Mom! 🐇Bunny lover