Hobbies For Low Energy People

Ashley Tripp
3 min readAug 3, 2022


Whether you suffer from depression, illness, or another ailment, it can be difficult to maintain habits that bring you joy. Sometimes, doing anything other than surviving can feel exhausting and out of reach. So, I have compiled a list below of hobbies that require low energy. These are hopefully things you can do to give your life a little enjoyment without draining your energy supply


Sometimes, all you can do is snuggle on the couch or in bed underneath a warm blanket. Next time you do, grab a book! It offers simple entertainment that requires little of you physically. Whether fiction or nonfiction, reading can offer you many benefits, including reduced stress, sleep readiness, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and fights depression symptoms.

Indoor Gardening

I know what you’re thinking, gardening requires A LOT of physical maintenance. But there are plenty of ways to garden accessibly. Indoor gardening allows you to plant on a smaller scale. There are seed starter kits and biodegradable pods specifically designed to provide nutrients. There are even multiple systems that offer different ways to grow plants, such as hydroponic or soil-based systems.

Once the plants are are set, you only need to spend a minute or two with them each day for maintenance (though it can be longer depending on what you grow and how).


Though “art” might sound like a vague category, that is the beauty of it. There are thousands of crafts and outlets you can do depending on your energy, skill, and desire for it. It can range from stress-reducing coloring pages to painting, collaging, or even scrapbooking. Craft ideas can be found on Pinterest or Google depending on what you’re interested in creating!

P.S. — This is one of my favorite activities! It is so diverse that it can be done on the lowest energy days or more active ones. It’s all about considering what you can and cannot handle that day.


No matter what, movie marathons always remain an option. They require 0 energy and movement (except for picking the next movie). Watching a movie or binging a TV show can be done with the lights off, buried under blankets. This is a perfect solution for days you can barely function.

To make it easier 24 Hour Movie Marathon has created a list divided into genres and franchises that I’ve linked here.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You may find many more that you enjoy instead! The purpose is to remind yourself that you are more than whatever ailment has drained you of energy. As you begin these hobbies, you begin to find ways to enjoy life wherever you can.

Feel free to add onto my list if you want to offer ideas of your own hobbies! I look forward to seeing them.



Ashley Tripp

I’m a gal with a passion for authenticity. Trying to figure out how to walk the earth, join me!