My Puppy Wont Stop Biting Me - 5 Tips & Tricks

Ashley Wrentworth
4 min readJan 29, 2024


Bringing home a new bundle of fur is like adding a splash of joy to your life, but let’s be real — those tiny teeth can turn playtime into a bite-fest! Fear not, fellow pawrents, because in this pawsitively delightful guide, we’re going to dive into the art of stopping puppy biting with five tail-wagging tips. So, grab a squeaky toy, put on your comfiest socks (puppy’s favorite chew toy), and let’s unleash the fun!

Understanding the Pint-Sized Jaws:

Puppies are like curious little detectives exploring the world with their mouths — and who can blame them? Those razor-sharp teeth are perfect for chewing, gnawing, and leaving tiny tooth marks on everything they encounter. But don’t worry; we’re here to channel that boundless puppy energy into more socially acceptable behaviors.

If your puppy wont stop biting, first try redirecting her attention. You do this by offering a chew toy as she attempts to bite you. If that doesn’t work, yelp in a high-pitched tone to mimic a littermate’s distress signal. Reinforce positive behavior by praising and rewarding the puppy when it chooses the toy over biting. If that still doesn’t work, here are 5 little tips and tricks to stop the nipping for good.

  1. Puppy Socialization Fiesta
  • Puppy Playdates: Turn playtime into a fiesta by arranging puppy playdates! Let your little furball mingle with other pups, teaching them the fine art of bite inhibition. Plus, watching the furry antics of other dogs is like pup TV — entertaining and educational!
  • Playful Obedience Classes: Enroll your fur-kid in some obedience classes that feel more like play than school. Learning commands like “sit” and “stay” can be fun for your puppy, and it’s a sneaky way to distract them from those nibbly tendencies.
  • Party of Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate good behavior with a shower of treats and praise. Whenever your pup resists the urge to nibble on your fingers and opts for a chew toy instead, throw a mini party. It’s the canine equivalent of winning the jackpot!

2. Chew-tastic Toy Extravaganza

  • Toy Buffet: Create a toy buffet that’s more enticing than your fingers. Offer a variety of toys — plushies, squeakers, rubbery chew toys — to keep your pup’s attention away from your extremities. Rotate the toys regularly to keep things fresh and exciting.
  • Freeze the Fun: Turn up the chill factor by freezing treats inside toys. It’s like a pupsicle! This not only provides a tasty distraction but also soothes teething discomfort. Your pup will be too busy trying to melt their frozen treasure to nibble on you.
  • Interactive Play: Engage your pup in interactive play with toys that dispense treats. It’s a two-in-one deal — mental stimulation and a tasty reward. These toys are like the puzzle games of the canine world, keeping those mischievous teeth occupied.

3. Bite Busting Training Maneuvers

  • The Art of Distraction: When your pup zeroes in on your hand for a nibble, master the art of distraction. Toss a treat or redirect their attention with a squeaky toy. It’s the puppy version of a magic trick, and suddenly, your fingers are safe from the jaws of tiny doom.
  • Pawsitively Consistent Training: Consistency is key! Whether you’re practicing “sit,” “stay,” or “leave it,” make sure everyone in the household is on the same page. Puppies thrive on routine, and a consistent approach helps them understand the rules of the game.
  • The Power of Timeout: If your pup gets too carried away with the nibbling, initiate a timeout. Withdraw your attention and briefly leave the room. It’s like a mini puppy reality check — bite too hard, and the fun train stops. Resume play once the excitement (and teeth) are in check.

4. Positive Reinforcement Party

  • Treats Galore: Make treats rain like confetti when your pup chooses the chew toy over your fingers. Positive reinforcement is a game-changer in the battle against biting. It’s the classic “good behavior equals tasty rewards” equation.
  • Celebrity-Level Praise: Shower your pup with enthusiastic praise every time they opt for a toy instead of your hand. Channel your inner canine cheerleader and let your pup know they’ve just won the Puppy Olympics of Good Behavior.
  • Ignore the Nibbles: Sometimes, the best reaction is no reaction. If your pup is using biting as a way to get attention, a simple “paws” and ignoring the nibbles can send a clear message that teeth-on-skin is a no-go zone.

5. Paw-sibilities of Professional Assistance

  • Veterinary Consultation: If puppy biting persists despite your best efforts, consult your friendly neighborhood vet. There might be an underlying issue causing discomfort or exacerbating the nipping habit. A quick checkup ensures your pup is feeling their absolute best.
  • Top Dog Training Classes: Enroll in top-notch obedience classes led by experienced trainers. Not only do these classes offer invaluable training techniques, but they’re also excellent opportunities for your pup to mingle with other aspiring good boys and girls.
  • Behaviorist’s Expertise: For those moments when you feel like you’re living with a tiny teeth tornado, call in the experts — certified animal behaviorists. They can decode the mysteries of your pup’s behavior and tailor a plan that transforms your furball into a model canine citizen.

Step-By-Step Videos on How To Have a Calm, Obedient Puppy

More of a visual person? Dan the Online Dog Trainer has created 5 incredibly useful training video’s on cultivating a happy, obedient puppy.
You can access these video’s completely free via the link below:

>> 5 Free Step-By-Step Videos for a Happy, Obedient Puppy

In the grand tapestry of raising a pup, curbing biting is just one paw-print. With love, patience, and a splash of playful spirit, you’re not just training a puppy — you’re sculpting a lifelong friendship. So go ahead, embrace the joy of puppyhood, teeth and all, and embark on this tail-wagging journey together!

