How to Create Your Own Business in 6 Steps

Ashley Zullo
2 min readOct 31, 2016


Its not everyday that people are creating their own company. In order to do so you need to have all the steps in place, including the research. So here is a list of steps that are crucial to making your company.

  1. Having an idea and being passionate about that idea, because if you’re not passionate about it you aren’t going to be all in.
  2. Find partners and together create a business plan.

3. Getting sponsors that support your ideas and are willing to carry it out with you to the end.

4. Making an active goal and creating an investment in your own company.

5. Staying current in your business and continue to make changes where changes are necessary.

6. Develop relationships with other businesses that are related to your overall goal.

Although the process of making your own business may be a lot of work, if you’re passionate about the business then it is easier then you think. Anything is possible if you work hard for what you want.



Ashley Zullo

Studying Public Relations at California State University, Northridge. Associated Students Producer.