Important Factors to Keep in Mind While Buying Folding Knives

4 min readOct 19, 2022


pocket knife

While most knives are designed to cut through something like a piece of meat, there is another type of knife that’s used for more delicate tasks, like slicing vegetables and opening boxes. This type is known as a folding knife.

They’re incredibly lightweight and handy because they can be folded for better portability or easily stowed away in a pocket or bag. With so many different types and styles available, it can be challenging to know where to start your search.

Important Factors to Consider:

The features of folding knives are too many to mention, and they are too numerous to go into detail here. Still, what follows is a list of the most important factors when deciding on which knife will suit you best:

  • Blade Length:

This is how long the blade on your folding knife is. This does not include the handle or any other part that protrudes from the blade. An inch or two more in blade length could be an asset depending on what you plan to do with it, but people who don’t know much about knives generally don’t seek out those types of knives unless they have specific needs such as skinning game and cooking.

There are two common methods of cutting with folding knives; the slicing method, and the push method. The slicer holds the blade flat against the object to be cut, then slides it down and across with a smooth slicing action. This allows for clean cuts and makes little or no noise.

The push cutter’s blade is held firmly against the object and pushed into it — also called push cutting or chopping. This is generally more of a meat cutter and makes more noise while in use than the slice.

  • Pocket Clip:

A pocket clip is used to attach your knife to your pants via a loop in your pocket, allowing for easier access to your knife when you take it out at home or in public. They come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles.

  • Knife Handle:

A knife handle is any part of the knife that is not the blade. Handles come in a variety of materials, such as plastic, wood, or metal. The common materials are plastic and wood.

Plastic handles are less expensive to produce and generally have a lighter feel than wooden handles, but they tend to crack under heavy use or when dropped hard on a hard surface.

Wood handles are more costly to produce and require more care when using them (they are more susceptible to cracking), but they tend to be much stronger than plastic handles and can withstand being dropped much better than most plastic handles can.

  • Weight:

A folding pocket knife’s weight is measured in ounces (oz) or grams (g). Most folding knives weigh between 3 and 6 ounces. Smaller knives tend to be lighter, while larger ones tend to be heavier.

  • Blade shape:

This is the part of the knife that you see, and it is arguably the most important factor as far as folding knives are concerned. The blade comes in many shapes: drop point, tanto point, clip point, spear point, sheepsfoot, and saber point. The choice of blade shape depends on what type of work you plan to use the knife for.

Folding Knives Make Self-defense Easy!

In an increasingly dangerous world, it is important to be prepared for any eventuality. And while guns can be useful for self-defense, they are not the only option. You may want to consider folding knives as well.

This knife is a compact tool that you can carry with you at all times without taking up much space or making your pockets overly busy — unlike a gun which typically requires an entire holster or bag just to carry around properly. They’re also easier to transport because they don’t have rounds that need reloading and safeties that need flipping off before every use.

They’re fast, simple, and can be carried in places where a firearm would not normally be able to go. Unlike guns, knives are silent and they don’t give away your position. Guns also require training in order to use safely. Knives on the other hand are easy to learn how to use, allowing anyone with even little training knowledge to effectively defend themselves if need be.

One of the greatest advantages that this knife has when it comes to self-defense is that it’s easily concealable. If you’re ever forced into difficult circumstances like being robbed or threatened with violence, having a weapon on your person means you can protect yourself without your attacker ever realizing what’s happening until it’s too late.




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