Wooden Swords Have Great Historical Significance

3 min readJan 3, 2022


wooden swords

Wooden swords have been around for centuries and have been used as an integral part of martial arts from Kung Fu to Kendo. They are preferred by many as a training tool because they offer a wide variety of balancing challenges, giving the user a more realistic workout. In fact, some participants will rival their swords on real steel blades!

You Can Use These Materials To Make These Swords:

Wooden weapons are made from one of five materials: Austrian Oak, Ori, Hanwei, Polish Birch and Japanese Maple. They are fuller which means they will be heavier than traditional metal blades coming in at 1–1/4lbs (760g) whereas modern steel swords usually weigh 1–3/4lbs (750g). For this reason they are often used by beginners to get used to handling larger blades before moving up to heavier ones or real steel weapons.

All wooden swords except the Austrian Oak feature straight tips for maximum balance and accuracy. They are an affordable way to learn the art of the sword without breaking the bank!

Importance Of Wooden Swords Throughout The History,

What would you say is the most historically significant sword? I think it is one of the most important weapons that have ever been created. They have had a huge impact on warfare and influenced many cultures all over the world.

A lot of time has passed since these wooden swords had a major impact in history, but they never really lost their significance and became almost obsolete, which makes them even more interesting to learn about. It’s an amazing piece of history that changes wars from being won by sheer numbers to being won because of skill and strategy instead.

Wooden Swords Are Used As Training Weapons

In addition to breaking down why it is important to learn how to use a wooden sword, today we will also be discussing how to train with one.

In order to make sure you get the most out of your training, whether it is with a wooden or metal practice weapon, you will need equipment and resources that will allow you to perform optimal movements and techniques.

When training with a wooden sword, your first priority should be safety. Always wear proper protective gear, such as those made by Body Armor Athletics . These provide an extra layer of protection for your practice partner so they aren’t cut or injured while you are still learning.

Once you have the proper safety gear on, go ahead and get started training with your new wooden sword! Remember that everyone starts somewhere so take it slow at first then work your way up to speed once you feel comfortable. I would recommend using a blade that is between one-and-a-half and three feet in length to start out with before moving on to heavier weapons later.

Wooden Swords Have Long LifeSpan

Wooden swords also have a long lifespan due to their natural material — wood. You can hand down your sword to your children or grandchildren after you’ve used up all the fun, unlike aluminum or steel swords that can last for just a few years.

They are also considerably lighter than metal ones, meaning that they allow the wielder to easily wield their weapon and put force behind their attacks. Another great benefit of these swords is that they are quiet. While metal swords might sound cool when they hit each other, they tend to make quite a ruckus.

It’s Worth Investing in Wooden Swords!

The benefits of wooden swords become clear when you look at the prices on metal swords that can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars on top of hourly fees for instructor time.

Wooden weapons also serve as a learning tool and provide a better first introduction to fighting techniques rather than using metal blades which can cause serious injury if they aren’t handled properly or don’t absorb an opponent’s blow correctly. They are also cheaper to purchase.




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