1 Way To Make It EASY For People To Love Your Twitch Stream

2 min readMay 23, 2018


How do you get viewers to come back to your Twitch stream over and over and over again, and love it every single time?

I’m gonna give you one tip that’s more important than anything else.

Here it is.

The one secret — the only one that matters when it comes to building a Twitch stream.

Ready for it?



I’m sorry if you feel baited, but this really needs to be said.

I create a lot of content to help streamers. I love telling you everything I know about creating a successful stream. But I also need to acknowledge that no single video, hot tip, nor some magic trick will make your channel explode. And I feel like I would be misleading you all if I didn’t express this at some point in my creative process.

You are important to me. I want to see you succeed. I want to see you chase that dream of leaving your 9–5 job and creating that perfect life for yourself. But there is no magic bullet that will bring about success. It comes from the seeds of effort you are willing to plant for yourself.

If you don’t have the energy, time, and love for your community, you will never see that growth. Your success comes down to you putting the work in — you taking the advice given and incorporating it into your stream.

If streaming is your dream life, make decisions based on that dream. Stop making decisions that keep you in the place you are now — especially if that place doesn’t fill your soul.

If you need someone to yell this at you verbally, take this!

I’m not gonna lie to you — it is not easy. It takes so much love, effort, support and sacrifice to make it as a streamer. But if this is what you really wanna do, pursue it hard. Don’t let anyone or anything obstruct what you want for yourself. Place the foundation for your success and protect it with all your might. Stomp on the people who tell you ‘no’ and choose to say “yes, I can do this!”

As much as I wish I could give you a 10-step plan to Twitch success, it does not exist. Yes, there are steps you can take to hone your craft — which increases your chances of growing — but it doesn’t yield 100% success.

Sorry for the dose of reality, but it’s really inspiring and motivational, right? It means you have full control over your success! And that’s empowering.

Do the thing and serve the audience well!

If you want to surround yourself with supportive people who will push you to new heights, join us on Discord!




community growth 10+ years (meta, adidas, startups) • advisor for fancy people • demon investor • youtuber • biz: ashnichrist@gmail.com