How I Balance Content Creation With Life, Family, and Work

3 min readJun 25, 2018


Do you find yourself searching for the perfect work-life balance? Do your peers or family members ever bring up that work-life balance conversation? You might be a working stiff, like me!

So, let me tell you about how I balance content creation with the other facets of my busy, busy life.

Here is a video about this if you like to watch more than read!

I believe there are four things that go into finding that perfect work-life balance for yourself:

First: You will never find that perfect work-life balance. I know. Crazy, right?

Your responsibilities are in a consistent state of flux. Day by day, your responsibilities — and how much attention you need to pay to them — can change drastically.

Imagine a series of buckets. You have a work bucket, a life bucket, a friend bucket, a family bucket, a ‘cleaning-your-house’ bucket…gulp.

You can only fill up one bucket with the contents of another. As you start to fill up one bucket, you’ll notice the others getting more empty. In turn, you’ll always feel like you’re dropping the ball when you fill one bucket more than the others. And that’s OK!

You need to become comfortable knowing that you will drop the ball in different places at different times. You just gotta hone the skill to recognize when the ball is being dropped and know when to course-correct your priorities, if need be.

We’re only human — we can’t be everywhere at all times! Maybe if I made a dozen clones of myself…

Second: Plan themed days. These will help you with what you want to concentrate on for specific days of the week.

Let’s take a look at my week!

Monday: Content day. This is my filming and planning YouTube videos day. I record all my videos and podcasts on Mondays so I don’t need to worry about them for the rest of the week.

Tuesday: Real life work obligations, content creation catch-up and meeting day.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Twitch streaming days — stop on by!

Saturday: Project day! This includes our current Discord projects, my coaching courses, any ebooks I’m writing — and more. It can be hard to keep track of all the projects!

Sunday: Social media planning days. Easy-peasy!

Third: Build a team of people who want to help you out. No one can accomplish anything alone. And I truly believe that in content creation, you are only as good as the team you have behind you.

Even if your reach is small, having mods or community managers — or even someone who can help you edit YouTube videos — can seriously help you grow. And if these people love you, believe in you and want to see you succeed, ask them for help! Community or friend help is huge for creators.

Fourth: Know your own limits. This is so important. I can work a lot — sunup to sundown. I just enjoy working. But you may not be wired that way. You might need to relax or take time off to get into a headspace where you can be productive again — and that’s okay. Knowing when to plan time for rest is important. An entire day off might be instrumental for you to create higher-quality material for your audience in the long run.

Honestly, friends — I think the most important lesson you should take from this video is that you will never find that perfect blend of family, life and work. You can’t give a perfect 33.3% to each thing. But as long as you understand your limits — and know when to adapt to changing life situations — you will do the very best you can.

Written by: @TheUnderminds. If you are looking for a writer, hire this guy.

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community growth 10+ years (meta, adidas, startups) • advisor for fancy people • demon investor • youtuber • biz: