What Are Cryogenic Pumps and How Do They Work?

3 min readJan 3, 2024


Cryogenic Pumps are a vital technology for handling extremely cold liquids and gases in current industrial applications. These specialised pumps are meant to transfer cryogenic chemicals such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, which are normally chilled to temperatures below -150 degrees Celsius. Understanding the operation and significance of cryogenic pumps is essential in a variety of industries, including medical technology, food processing, and space exploration.

What is the essence of Cryogenic pumps?

Cryogenic pumps are basically intended to overcome the difficulties faced by extremely low temperatures. Most gases convert into liquids at cryogenic temperatures, necessitating the employment of a pump capable of handling these low-temperature liquids without freezing or losing efficiency. A cryogenic pump’s principal function is to assure the safe and efficient movement of these liquids from one location to another.

Types of Cryogenic Pumps

There are several types of cryogenic pumps, each tailored to specific applications and requirements:

Centrifugal pumps: These are commonly used for larger flow rates and are often employed in LNG processing and transfer systems.

Positive Displacement Pumps: Ideal for high-pressure applications, these pumps are frequently used in gas carriers and air separation plants.

Submerged Pumps: Often used for transferring liquefied gases from storage tanks, these pumps are submerged in the cryogenic fluid.

How do cryogenic pumps work?

Cryogenic pumps work by establishing a pressure differential in order to transport liquid. A revolving impeller in centrifugal cryogenic pumps imparts kinetic energy to the liquid, converting it to pressure energy and driving it through the pump. The mechanism of positive displacement pumps includes trapping a specific volume of liquid and then pushing it through the pump’s outlet.

Insulation is a vital feature of cryogenic pump design. Cryogenic Pumps are outfitted with superior insulation materials to maintain low temperatures and prevent absorbed heat from the surroundings from vaporising the liquid. Also, cold vaporisation (also known as cryopumping) is frequently used by these pumps to remove heat from the system. Allowing a part of the liquid to vaporise absorbs it this way.

Applications of Cryogenic Pumps

The applications of cryogenic pumps are diverse and critical in many sectors.

Medical Field: In the medical industry, cryogenic pumps are used for handling liquid oxygen in hospitals and for the preservation of biological samples.

Food Industry: In food processing, these pumps are used for flash-freezing food, which helps preserve flavour and nutritional value.

Space Exploration: Cryogenic pumps are integral to space technology for fueling rockets with liquid hydrogen and oxygen.

Industrial Gases: These pumps are used in the production and transportation of industrial gases like nitrogen, argon, and neon.

Cryogenic pumps are essential components in the handling of extremely cold liquids and gases in a variety of industries. Their capacity to handle cryogenic materials effectively and securely is critical to the success of activities in the medical, food, industrial, and space sectors. The design and efficiency of Cryogenic Pumps continue to change as technology progresses, providing ever more inventive uses and solutions for handling low-temperature chemicals.




Ashoka Compressor is one of the Best Cryogenic Pumps Manufacturers In India delivers quality based products like centrifugal transfer pumps, reciprocating pump.