Ashok Rajendran
7 min readMar 6, 2020

Hello Everyone,

I am Ashok Rajendran. I have completed my Engineering in Electronics and Instrumentation. My interest have always been related to Bikes and Cars since my childhood. I was thinking of doing something from being at home and came across Digital Marketing via my relative and with further research online I found out about Digital Deepak Internship. I was very much interested with the idea and it also fulfilled my wish of doing it from my home. Thus joined I am here part of Internship program. It was the first time I attended a Webinar and was very happy and eager to learn.

I have explained the various topics covered in the session below,

Golden Triangle:

Golden Triangle is a concept which has three components mentioned below,

· Learn any skill

· Do / Implement

· Teach

The above three components comprises the golden triangle forum.

Global Economy (Broad Picture):

Global economy refers to the international exchange of goods and services that can be expressed in monetary units of account. When the average age of a country goes up the economy of a country goes up. In a country there are multiple age groups like 20–25 years of age, then 25–30 years of age and above 30 years of age. In general from 2008 United States, Japanese Economy went down and Europe economy is getting stagnated. There are lot of factors contribute to this like government policies, central bank policies, etc.

When we are living with parents we tend to spend less, similarly when we live with friends we spend more, when we live alone we spend eventually more and when we get an individual family we spend lot. If the average age of people is 27–28, during which economy will flourish / grow. The economy goes down once the average age goes above 50. During this phase the individual spending will reduce, e.g. — People will Shift from 4BHK to 2BHK house.

Communication Skill:

Communication Skill is one of the ability to provide and receive different kinds of information. Examples include communicating new ideas, feelings or even an update on our project. Communication skills may include listening, speaking, observing and empathising. In Digital marketing, communication helps in creating content , sales and becoming a successful professional or an entrepreneur.

Ways to Master Communication:

· Read a lot of books

· Listen to podcasts

· Watch English Movies

· Watch stand-up comedy

Future of Digital Marketing:

There is a general feeling among people that marketing will die like that of old programming languages like C++ and animation, etc. There is also huge scam called engineering in which we people waste our four years of life just for engineering degree certificate and we don’t find it useful. All Civil Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers have gone to IT jobs, which electrical engineer actually does soldering works? Or which mechanical engineer does automobile works? Or which civil engineer does construction works? Due to which I feel that Engineering has died / it is not serving its purpose.

Deepak confirms that marketing will not die and support Digital Marketing since the world is moving towards digital platform. Digital Marketing is simply a better way to do marketing for modern world.

Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing

Components of Digital Marketing Methods:

· Search Engine Marketing

· Search Engine Optimization

· Email Marketing

· Social Media Marketing

· Digital Display Marketing

· Content Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM):

SEM refers to one of the main components of Digital marketing which involves paid promotion of the website to increase the visibility in the search engine and other Digital platforms. It is very much powerful because we can show the Ads to the exact right audience who is looking for our product. For example if I am looking for flight tickets we can post the ads related to GOIBIBO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Search engine optimization refers to increasing the ranking organically, this will increase the visibility to the users and the no of visitors will increase due to this. This method is slow but does not involve cost like Search Engine Marketing, This is the advantage SEO has over SEM.

Email Marketing:

Email Marketing means sending a commercial message to a large group of targeted people using email, this is called as Email Marketing. Email Marketing was completely a different vertical which is a very vast subject. The goal of email marketers was to collect leads to send marketing messages to them.

Social Media Marketing:

Social Media Marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. As Social Media started becoming part of daily life to large amount of individuals, this cannot be ignored. Websites like Facebook started posting extreme traffic numbers, Thus it started gaining more and more popularity in Digital Marketing space and it plays a vital role in branding and generating leads.

Digital Display Marketing:

This is very similar to Newspaper Ads, People are more attracted to it compared to paper Ads. Digital Display Marketing is a type of online advertising that comes in several forms, including banner ads, rich media and more. They find their place between useful pieces of content and interrupt their user with a marketing message.

Content Marketing:

Content Marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating high quality attractive content, publishing and distributing the content for a targeted audience online .Content Marketing is basically an inbound marketing tactic where you attract visitors, readers by creating good quality content.

Integrated Digital Marketing:

Integrated Digital Marketing is a concept in which Content is the leader and other digital marketing methods as team members. This method makes use of all digital marketing methods, thus creates strength, utilizes and produces results which are more than the individual achievements of each method. We can understand from the word integrated, the result will be in an integrated form. According to me this is a very powerful concept, for a new person in to the Digital Marketing world this may take quite some time to understand the whole picture and realise the strength of each area and use them to help the other aspect of it. But I am very confident that by practice we can master this skill.

Selecting a Niche:

During the Webinar Deepak shared that the Individual passion plays a vital role, for e.g. his passion towards Bike played a vital role in creating success for him. Even my passion would be related to Automobiles. He also shared the below formula and I would say it was spot on for selecting a niche by any individual.

Passion+ Talent +Market Opportunity =Good Niche

According to him Health, Money and Relationships are the three major niches. The Market Demand can be found using google auto suggest option.

Personal Brand Building:

We must try to build our own personal brand he quoted “The best known will always beat the best”. I completely agree with his point, practically if I think it makes a lot of sense to me. He explained the same advising that there might be digital marketers who are more intelligent than him and there might me digital marketers who know more than him but they are not well known but he is one among the top 5 digital marketers in India due to his Personal Brand, He gets a lot more clients than the person who is more knowledgeable and talented than him. Thus it is very important to build our personal brand. We should not hesitate to put our content in public forum. The content should be in different forms and with more content we will get more audience.

Marketing Funnel:

Finally he covered the topic called Marketing Funnel. Marketing Funnel is also known as the purchase funnel. It refers to the customer focused marketing model that illustrates the theoretical journey of a customer towards the purchase of goods or services. A marketing funnel describes the journey of a customer with you from the initial stages when someone learns about your business to the purchase stage, marketing funnel routes to conversion and beyond.

As per the above image it consists of various components like

· Awareness

· Consideration

· Conversion

· Loyalty

· Advocacy

For Example:If the top of the funnel has a 2 lakh customer target ,then the bottom of the funnel can have 2000 converted customers.

The above topics were covered during the webinar session and the session was very informative and opened up a completely new world for me. Looking forward to learn more, Stay tuned for more updated from my end. Finally ton of thanks to Digital Deepak.