AshPerp Challenge: How to Win The 26K $ASH Prize Pool?

3 min readNov 9, 2023


Calling all AshSwapians! Let’s hop on our AshPerp Challenge train!

This is our first community event for you to explore AshPerp and bring home juicy $ASH rewards.

Are you ready to conquer all the quests? Find more information about the AshPerp Challenge series below.

AshPerp Challenge: How to play?

AshPerp Challenge is a series of exciting challenges to engage our community and help our users better understand how AshPerp works.

Total prize pool: 26,000 $ASH tokens

Timeline: From 9–23 Nov 2023

Timeline and Gameplay

  • Winners are required to complete the challenge and are chosen randomly from the comment section under each post.
  • Prize pools are shared equally among winners.
  • We will announce the winner list and distribute rewards within 5 days after the last challenge ends.

AshPerp Review Contest

To celebrate your valuable contribution, a special reward pool of 6,000 $ASH is reserved for the top 3 users (2,000 $ASH for each winner) who can share their journey with AshPerp in compelling, engaging, and insightful content on Twitter.

Content Format

You can choose one of these two content formats. You are free to create any content you might want to. However, only your best performance content will win the prize.

  • Long Twitter tweets
  • Twitter threads
  • Make sure you include the hashtag #AshPerp and tag @ash_perp in your submission

“What should I write about?”

Anything during your user journey with AshPerp could do! Here are some of our suggestions:

  • Your Trading Journey: How has AshPerp supported your trading journey? Share with us the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
  • Use Highlights: What features of AshPerp resonate with you the most? Give us a sneak peek at the aspects that keep you coming back for more.
  • Constructive Feedback: What could the team do to enhance AshPerp and facilitate perpetual trading even more? (Please avoid negative and pessimistic content, and don’t provoke hostilities with other protocols.)
  • Wisdom Sharing: Pass on your knowledge to fellow traders, such as tips and lessons from your own trading experience.

Winner Criteria

Here is how we choose the top 3 posts:

  • Educational and Insightful Value: Is your content piece helpful to the reader and rich in detail about AshPerp? You are suggested to follow the above guidelines.
  • Engagement Metrics: The winning posts must stir the community with the highest engagement metrics, while staying respectful of other protocols.
  • Total engagement = likes + retweets + comments (snapshotted on 23 Nov)
  • You’re NOT allowed to use any tools to buff engagement.
  • The AshSwap team reserves the final right to pick the winners.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter so as not to miss any exciting challenges.

About Us

AshSwap is the first stable-swap AMM DEX and Auto-Concentrated Liquidity on MultiversX to provide a new approach to liquidity pool design that helps enhance yields and reduce slippage. With our top-notch set of features, our vision is to become the One-stop DeFi Hub on MultiversX.

AshPerp is a decentralized perpetual trading platform on the MultiversX network developed as a DeFi module alongside AshSwap. It offers high-leverage trading (up to 100x), supports various asset pairs, and aims to meet the demand for decentralized futures trading on MultiversX.

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