The inflation of penis’ length

Ashton Labruce
2 min readJan 30, 2022


For many years, penis has been an instrument of masculinity. Contrary to old-time Greeks, where it was testicles the ultimate feature of masculinity, a good sized penis has become one of the most valuable features in a man today. Such assumption mostly prevails in both men and women: a big penis is a symbol of beauty, masculinity, and even power.

It is due to its symbolic meaning that people (mostly men, and gay men in particular, of course) are obsessed with its size. The obsession towards penis size has been taken so far, that men have begun to lie about their true size. It is totally understandable; yet, it is completely unacceptable.

Credit: Deon Black on

The obsession towards penis size has been taken so far, that men have begun to lie about their true size. It is totally understandable; yet, it is completely unacceptable.

All it takes is a ruler and to remember math classes from grade 1 for how to use it. It only useful and convenient to be honest both to ourselves and to others. The right condom can only be chosen matching a penis size and the only way to achieve that is to measure it properly. It is even dangerous to do so: using condoms that are bigger than they should be can make them loose and ineffective towards what they are meant to do.

Penis enlargement is not the solution. The solution is to stop giving penis the magic powers that it doesn’t have. Let’s stop claiming what we don’t have. I invite you to embrace reality and make the most out of it.



Ashton Labruce

I’m a guy who writes about sexuality, prostitution, sex work, gender roles, pornography, etc.